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  1. MrDblock

    Grow Tent Temperature seems high .. Help!

    Ok but is there any alternatives to an exhaust fan in the meantime? I am doing research and they arent that cheap
  2. MrDblock

    Grow Tent Temperature seems high .. Help!

    How big would the whole into the ceiling have to be? The window is across the room from the closet, and the closet is closed. Also, the ambient temp. is 75 degrees but I can lower it by turning the ac down, correct ?
  3. MrDblock

    Yellow Leaves at Bottom Of my Plant

    Ok so its ok for the leaves at the very bottom to fall off ? Also, do you know a thing or two about flowering? Im pretty sure you do haha
  4. MrDblock

    Grow Tent Temperature seems high .. Help!

    The picture is kind of blurry but I think you can gain an idea of what I am working with
  5. MrDblock

    Grow Tent Temperature seems high .. Help!

    A 4" exhaust fan? I am going to put up a picture so you have a better idea of what I am working with
  6. MrDblock

    Yellow Leaves at Bottom Of my Plant

    I am using foxfarm nutrients, the only thing is that the leaves at the VERY bottom look like there dead, however the rest of the plant looks nice and healthy, Its going under its first week of flowering Im prety sure, and I had just watered it today with a tiny bit of soluble nutes for flowering...
  7. MrDblock

    Grow Tent Temperature seems high .. Help!

    What do you mean the ambient temperature? (sorry im new again remember ) but I opened up all the vents to the tent, the only problem is that its in my closet. So basically I need an air conditioner or an exhaust fan? also the tent is small its a 2x2x5
  8. MrDblock

    Yellow Leaves at Bottom Of my Plant

    My plant is about a month old now .. I think I might have started giving it nutrients a bit to early. where can I find there nitrogen solutions
  9. MrDblock

    Yellow Leaves at Bottom Of my Plant

    The Leaves all the way at the bottom of my plant are yellow, I am aware that it is from the nutrients, but is there any precautions that I should take or anything that I can do to reverse this problem? Help Please ..
  10. MrDblock

    Flowering/Budding Stage .. Help!

    That is true. Will it still bud nicely if its 88 degrees in the tent?
  11. MrDblock

    Grow Tent Temperature seems high .. Help!

    Is 88 degrees acceptable for flower stage?
  12. MrDblock

    Grow Tent Temperature seems high .. Help!

    What if I were to add another regular fan? Just curious, Im an amateur
  13. MrDblock

    Grow Tent Temperature seems high .. Help!

    Im sorry I really wasnt thinking when I wrote this .. LED grow lights
  14. MrDblock

    Grow Tent Temperature seems high .. Help!

    HID Lights, How can I put an extraction fan though ?r
  15. MrDblock

    Grow Tent Temperature seems high .. Help!

    I have a Grow Tent in my closet, and the temperature seems pretty high (90 degrees) i am trying to cool it down but dont really have a clue how to, anyone with advice?
  16. MrDblock

    Flowering/Budding Stage .. Help!

    I am trying to find out when does the budding/flowering stage come into effect. I know that when buds begin to produce on the plant, but I have an autoflower, so it will begin to flower on its own. I would just like to know when so I can change the lighting schedule,nutrients,ventilation, etc if...
  17. MrDblock

    Short Rider Growers! Help!

    I had a couple of questions about the short rider strain. Its an autoflower and I been growing it for about 4 weeks now. I understand that it doesnt grow that tall and its about a foot tall . The pistils are visible also telling me its a female. My question is when can I tell when its flowering...
  18. MrDblock

    Hps lights 4 sale

    Im not sure if I can advertise over forums but I have a lot of HPS lights for sale and for cheap to. Brand new. If interested let me know.
  19. MrDblock

    Short Rider (anyone with experience )

    Im growing a short rider and it sprouted out the soil as of Monday 8/15/11. I am using two LED grow lights, and I would like to know what would be the best lighting time for the plant and food, etc .. Help please!
  20. MrDblock

    Newbie Trying to Grow in Closet

    Ok and as far as lighting, an hps light is pretty expensive. Any alternatives that would still make my plant grow nicely. and you mean miracle gro seedling starter?