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  1. thegreensurfer

    Ventilation Questions

    It would be a good idea to get speed controlled fans OR put variable controllers on the fans so you can tweak the flow. Tents can be tricky sometimes, if the intake is too strong it blows up like a balloon and if the exhaust is too strong the sides suck in and you lose space. I use a Dust...
  2. thegreensurfer

    Rocky Mountain Growtent

    Rocky Mountain grow tent sounds like a scam, nobody uses tents in Colorado. If you can't find any info on them then don't trust it. You get what you pay for in regards to tents so plan on tinkering and repairing a cheap tent for the duration of its life if you decide the cheap route. It's a...
  3. thegreensurfer

    Dolomite lime question

    Get some good quality soil, and don't be a motherflusher.....
  4. thegreensurfer

    When do you start counting the flowering cycle?

    Probably to keep the soil in. I don't see the point in that when air pots and smart pots would accomplish the same thing for less work and the same amount of money.
  5. thegreensurfer

    does underfeeding affect bud size?

    Not only bud size, but bud quality.
  6. thegreensurfer


    I haven't had any pm on my flowering plants for about two years. When I did need to use it, it was a staggered perpetual harvest, which is a high risk environment for pm. Yet, I would just do one preventative spray at wk 2-3 and I still wouldn't get it. There were a few times where I'd get some...
  7. thegreensurfer

    Steep Slope - Suggestions/Problems?

    Advantage.....good sun exposure if facing south, Disadvantage....possible accessibility problem. Good for thieves though. I wouldn't be concerned about over watering, I would be concerned about under watering. How is it going to get watered thoroughly?
  8. thegreensurfer

    Ease my anxious mind please?

    I don't think they are eggs. I think they are trichomes.
  9. thegreensurfer


    Get some Greencure. It's highly effective, and listed organic, so it won't destroy your foliage like the chemicals will. I've tried eagle at the recommended dosage.... it's straight up poison...and didn't work. It destroyed my plants though. I never had to make more than 3 applications of...
  10. thegreensurfer

    Brownish red spots early flowering

    Since you are only in the 2nd week of flower, you will still want to make one or two more waterings with a veg nutrient. Around wk 3 is a good time to transition with a veg/bloom, then right before the stretch is complete, around wk 4, start with the bloom. They've been in the container since...
  11. thegreensurfer

    WTF is this on leaves?

    It looks like a manganese deficiency to me. Is the humidity really low, or is the affected plant near a strong fan?
  12. thegreensurfer

    biggest let down in bed weird afaq

    Get rid of her before she drives a wedge betwixt you and your bro.
  13. thegreensurfer

    How do you measure milligrams of THC in homeade cannibutter?

    Wouldn't the 30+ hours of exposure to 210 degree temperature be sufficient to decarb? All of the heat vs. time graphs I've seen says so.
  14. thegreensurfer

    Sm90 causing slime in reservoir???!!!

    Sm90 did the same thing to me, I'm not even sure how this product stays on the shelf....... I used bleach at 1 drop per gallon on an ebb & flow table and it worked well. Keep your water temp below 70 and you'll be ok.
  15. thegreensurfer

    Growing marijuana is so difficult because it is illegal

    You can always make seeds. Then you'll have all the seeds you need to practice your growing..
  16. thegreensurfer

    Need to move indoor plants outside? Need help

    Put them outside, they'll be fine. I do the same thing.
  17. thegreensurfer

    aquarium gravel for drainage

    Small pebbles will likely exit the drain holes over time, something to keep in mind.
  18. thegreensurfer

    Anyone know what the hell this is?

    Grow it out. Harvest when the yellow florets turn white.... Keep and eye on powdery mildew.
  19. thegreensurfer

    Help with when to harvest

    Yep, that's thrips alright. Azamax is very effective for those little bitchfaces.
  20. thegreensurfer

    Cost of Clones?

    $7 wholesale and up to $15 for a decent cut in San Diego