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  1. B

    WTF is this nonsense?

  2. B

    Am i doing this right?

    My understanding is that females also tend to have long crisscrossing stipules (the tiny pointy leaves on either side of a flowering site) and males tend to have short fat ones that do not. That might give a little guidance before switching the lights.
  3. B

    First Grow, ready to harvest?

    How can you spot seeds in all that? Not that I doubt you, I just want to know the trick, too.
  4. B

    Plant growth after feeding

    I used the yellow and green bag for my grow, and no gnats, but taking a look at the dirt towards the end of the grow and how much wood is in the soil now that everything's settled in, I'm glad I got a bag of Happy Frog for my subsequent grows. Also perlite. I skipped that addition, and I think...
  5. B

    How's it looking? Harvest soon?

    Took some photos of GSC buds in a 2 gallon. The lights flipped for these on 12-1-19, so they're like 7-8ish weeks old. I think they've got a couple more to go, but here's the images as a reference, macro and micro.
  6. B

    New grow. Shed your light!!!

    The wattage you've listed for these individual bulbs... Is that the actual wattage used, or is it the "equivalent of an incandescent bulb" wattage listed on the box?
  7. B

    How's it looking? Harvest soon?

    That's a good question. I'd like to harvest her ASAP so I can move the two plants flanking her in that photo into the center of the tent, and then slide those white LEDs down to light the plants more from the sides. And I'd also like to use this harvest as an opportunity to get a little...
  8. B

    Is this a hermie/bisexual plant, or just a stage in the flowering process?

    I think this was a stamen that formed on a heat damaged bud. To the OP, don't feel bad. I've pulled bits off flowers that I was sure were nanners-to-be, only to later find out they were just very new little budlets that looked unusually green relative to the other growth because they were...
  9. B

    How's it looking? Harvest soon?

    I think I found the first amber trich. Can you see it, kind of in the middle of the frame there? Anyway, that's close enough. We're chopping tomorrow.
  10. B

    Can I top??

    I did the same on all but one of my plants. Interestingly, all the plants that were topped are more vigorous than the plant that wasn't topped. But on the flip side, that little Christmas tree has an almost comically long single flower on the main cola (and a couple of squat buds on side...
  11. B

    Autos VS Photos

    You use side lights. Actually, I take that back. You do a lot of LST. Anywhoo, autos aren't necessarily lower yielding than photos. You have to remember, these plants are able to take up to 24 hours of light during bloom, not just 12. If you're using less intense lights, the longer window might...
  12. B

    Can I top??

    Yeah, but you eventually reach diminishing returns where you have more buds, but each is smaller than they would have been with fewer sites.
  13. B

    can I?

    Isn't it there to help maintain airflow?
  14. B

    Can I top??

    What about rate of topping for photos? Do you gauge recovery by weeks or by counting new nodes? Could I top two colas on the same day? Also, can't you achieve a similar effect by paring down the side branches that grow out after your first top, instead of topping over and over?
  15. B

    Can I top??

    Sure, but you can. I was just mentioning them as an example because auto tops can't be too aggressive (i.e. removing a developed node or more) as your "veg" time is pre-programmed. I'd still appreciate your input.
  16. B

    Can I top??

    This is the grey area for me. I get that "time" to recover is essentially waiting for new nodes to come in. How many? I've heard 3 is safe, but clearly people who are harvesting autos with a score of dense colas aren't waiting that long between tops. So what...two? Can I just top again after the...
  17. B

    Spider mites

    I had a horrifying case of scale on the parsley I bought into my house at the end of summer. Didn't realize it until it was too late and microscopic caterpillars were everywhere (thanks to my recent cannabis hobby, I had a jeweler's loupe to confirm). I added 1/2 teaspoon to 20 oz of water in a...
  18. B

    How's it looking? Harvest soon?

    Feel free to share any advice or point me towards a guide that you think is good. I've dried herbs before, but never herb, so I'm open to any and all suggestions! Edit: My plan so far is to hang the topmost buds from a clothes hanger in an unused shower with a fan circulating the air. I also...
  19. B

    How's it looking? Harvest soon?

    All good info! I also like a bit of a stoned feeling from my weed. I wasn't disappointed with the high from what I tried, but there wasn't really any "couch lock" feeling. I did forget what I went to the kitchen for twice in a row, though, so it definitely is doing something. :P
  20. B

    How's it looking? Harvest soon?

    Full disclosure, those trichome photos are of side branch buds and not that big mass in the center of the middle plant here. The trichs on the big bud are slightly more developed than the sampled ones, but only just. It's really hard to get the microscope stable that far into the center of the...