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  1. B

    Humidifier shopping.

    Is your basement finished?
  2. B

    Humidifier shopping.

    I have little advice for you as far as humidifiers, but what I would suggest is that you might be able to make the technical requirement easier by hanging some plastic sheeting around your grow tent to create a vapor barrier. Especially in cases like yours, where the equipment in your basement...
  3. B

    Will my very short clone survive? (pics)

    I've never tried to transfer a cannabis plant to the outdoors before, but many plants require, or at least benefit from, a period of "hardening" where it is transitioned gradually for a few hours a day to progressively less controlled conditions until it can be outside 24/7. I'll let others...
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    :lol: Interestingly, one of the challenges to keeping a greenhouse in those latitudes is that they have several weeks where there is effectively no sun at all! ;)
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    Look, I don't even know what your argument is anymore, to be honest. I know that some commercial growers use CO2 systems. I'm pretty sure all of them want to be able to do it independent of heating their greenhouse / growhouse because extra CO2 is good only when your lights are on, and as you've...
  6. B


    Completely serious. And judging by your very long response, which did absolutely nothing to refute my observation, it would appear that I am also correct. Neat!
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    I'm no brain genius, but I'm pretty sure you fundamentally misunderstand the purpose and function of a greenhouse. And also that it's generally a bad plan to pump heat into a greenhouse during the day, with or without CO2.
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    So you're doubling down on saying that greenhouses are equipped with CO2 generators that also heat the greenhouse in the process of CO2 generation?
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    Your logic is truly dizzying :lol:
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    Tell that to the other guy, you'll get no argument from me.
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    auto or photo

    I'm going to do my next grow using only a Jobe's spike just so I can sneer at you.
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    Gorilla Glue x G13 cross Organic Grow (2nd attempt)

    Out of curiosity, did you have several weeks of unusually cloudy weather?
  13. B

    auto or photo

    9 is a lot of months. It's probably loaded with N, but less so on P and K. So you're covered through veg (probably wouldn't hurt to do half-feedings once a week) but want to add bloom nutrients when the time comes.
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    Led light

    I have seen the future, and it is bespoke LED-grown albino weed. For realsies tho, she's doing fine, that's an old photo. There's new growth that's crowded out that bleached bit and if you didn't know to look for it, you probably wouldn't even notice it's there.
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    Seedlings stretching like crazy

    Seedlings stretch because they are trying to get closer to the sun. Move the sun closer to them, and you will have no problems. Edit: Also as a matter of process, I would suggest filling your solo cups only to 1/2 or 2/3 when you drop your seeds into the soil. It makes scenarios like this a lot...
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    Led light

    I believe I have seen both. Light damage presents as the material at the top of this sad little bud. I know it might just look blown out by the lighting, but it truly turned white. It's not properly scorched, as with heat damage, just got bleached by the "sun."
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    I'm giving growing a second chance

    Hi I own a 20"x36"x62" tent. You can probably fit it in a closet of your description, and it will add a barrier to catch odors and a frame to hang equipment and make your life generally easier. It also has that new toy plastic smell for the first couple of weeks. Very cool. I would grow 1-2...
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    I don't use my stove to heat my home (or generate CO2 for growing, just to be clear).
  19. B


    Hey man, if you want to spend your days telling people it's perfectly fine to huff engine exhaust, then do your thing. Just don't expect me to agree with you. Also don't expect a lot of people to be convinced by this lame "me Googled it, me am smart" argument, especially when it's communicated...