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  1. tommy5669

    can u still get bud from a male plant?

    how would u turn them hermi? an cannabutter? is that like resin?
  2. tommy5669

    can u still get bud from a male plant?

    ive always wondered..... can u get :leaf:bud:leaf: from a male plant???
  3. tommy5669

    Male or Female? anyone possibly know a strain or what type?

    Hell yeah i wish mine was trainwreck haha and go choke on that nose stephaniesloan
  4. tommy5669

    Make this bud?

    Can i get this to bud now? 7 weeks almost 8.
  5. tommy5669

    Show off your bagseed!

    mine is bagseed. both doing great! :D
  6. tommy5669

    Male or Female? anyone possibly know a strain or what type?

    Anyone get at me on this cause i wanna know. thanks aheada time!! _smokinnnn a fattieeee. hahaha
  7. tommy5669

    Pics of both my babies

  8. tommy5669

    Is It Better To Water/Freed At Night, Or During The Day?

    so heres some fresh pics from bout 15 minutes ago. here she is, lookin great tell me what you think
  9. tommy5669

    OMG It Actually Sprouted/Countdown To Failage

    yeah, thats why i said fuck artificial light and stuck my germinated seeds in a pot an outside, they sprouted popped up, and grew sooooo fast, outdoors is nothing compared to indoors for me. but i guess i varies from person to person and their situation with the enviro around them
  10. tommy5669

    How my girls doin?

    well if the leaves are yellowin and curlin and shit jus mound ur soil up around the stem and shit, cause then it will make the plant sturdier, but i have also heard, the bottom leaves when covered with soil act as ferts for the soil. i dont know if thats true but i mounded my dirt up over the...
  11. tommy5669

    Help Me Solve This Problem (First Grow)

    lookin good wit tha plant man looks nuted up tho lmao keep growin :D
  12. tommy5669

    How my girls doin?

    good shit nor cal u give me rep ill return the favor
  13. tommy5669

    How my girls doin?

    i would start with only the smallest leaves because u want as many leaves as possible to help make the plant grow big in this stage of life, if you cut too much it could stunt its growth, so be carful how much and where you cut.
  14. tommy5669

    light green edges on leaves?

    well u need alottaaa water bro no foood juss water, and dont flood the soil; no puddles on the surface an shit have good air and hope for the best!
  15. tommy5669

    OMG It Actually Sprouted/Countdown To Failage

    hey man those leaves will yellow off an die. have u already started nuting? dont pluck jus let it fall off natural into the soil,
  16. tommy5669

    when is the earliest possible time to make a plant bud

    yeah that makes sense to, but mine are outdoor so they get that morning dew and first sunlight ya know, and im feeding every three days with diluted water an 2/3 recommended amount nutes in it.
  17. tommy5669

    when is the earliest possible time to make a plant bud

    haha i feel that, you can never have enough thc in ya system lmao an haha i thought i was wrong
  18. tommy5669

    when is the earliest possible time to make a plant bud

    hahaha im stoned man sorry, i juss fed the babies while they were asleep, ive never fed at night before jus durin the day. that wont effect them will it?
  19. tommy5669

    when is the earliest possible time to make a plant bud

    and lime73 i didn say 13 was too i said mine is 13 inches, it aint too big. lol
  20. tommy5669

    when is the earliest possible time to make a plant bud

    hell yeah ima wait for my babies to get a shit ton bigger, or as big as they wanna get, til i need to transplant, then ill let em get over that shock if theres any, then ill start to induce flowerin, ima put up pics an keep ya posted everybody! wish me luck lol