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  1. tommy5669

    Shape of leaves

    can anyone tell what type mine is? lol
  2. tommy5669

    Making My Own Bong, Need Some Advice.

    haha thats a perfect frame man id wrap da bitch in aluminum foil, then stick a big ass stem through it and toke up lol
  3. tommy5669

    My Struggling Little Northern Lights Number 5

    hows the purple elephant??
  4. tommy5669


    yeah i planted mine within june 1st to the 10th. idk i dont remember man ima pothead lol they are already on their sets of 5, there is 2 of em across from each other, and more sets are comin out of the middle, look at my older posts and you can see a pic i uploaded today.
  5. tommy5669


    whats the optimum time to start a plant? i live in eastern kentucky-tennessee region, and ive had 2 going for nearly a month
  6. tommy5669

    My Struggling Little Northern Lights Number 5

    its looking good, looks topped all to shit tho lol good luck to ya
  7. tommy5669

    5 Day Sprouts. Seedlings

    do you have pics
  8. tommy5669

    First time ive fed! Any help?

    here she is the first one is the smaller, and the second an third is the bigger one.
  9. tommy5669

    First time ive fed! Any help?

    aw shit lol thay sucks man. and hell yeah im a small timer lol i have 3 plants. and two are veggin one is a big ass seedling. ima upload a pic of my big girl
  10. tommy5669

    First time ive fed! Any help?

    thanks man i cant wait to see how they turn out! how many plants do you have?
  11. tommy5669

    First time ive fed! Any help?

    haha yeah i fell that their are so many opinions on here, but i want facts. miracle appears to be a cheap, nice way to start and grow cannabis with, its worked for me so far. and since i fed today, how many days does it take to show nute burns? (if i overfed)
  12. tommy5669

    Outdoor Nutrients

    what kind of miracle gro do you use icculus?
  13. tommy5669

    First time ive fed! Any help?

    yeah, my soil NPK is 0.21-0.07-0.14 and my plantfood is 8-7-6 and i used 1/4 recommended dose in a quart and sprinkled will that work? or did i over do it?
  14. tommy5669

    First time ive fed! Any help?

    thnx scunk i jus dont wanna kill my babies because ive heard ive already kinda started to late for mine because mine are just beginning to veggie.
  15. tommy5669

    First time ive fed! Any help?

    I have used MG potting soil since ive started growing, and everytime ive ever grew from seed or germination they have all started beautifully. im just curious about if i overfeed today or not, because ive had the same potting soil since they were born(ive used the same soil from a small pot to...
  16. tommy5669

    Is It Time To Feed My Babies?

    hey welldiced, im using MG poting soil, and i have had them in MG potting soil and one plant has small spots on the bottom leaves, if its slow release then why isnt it helping with potassium def.? or whatever i may have. i just started using MG plantfood today and i deluted the qt of water with...
  17. tommy5669

    First time ive fed! Any help?

    why whats wrong ewith it?
  18. tommy5669

    Is It Time To Feed My Babies?

    yea well im outdoor growing. and one has its set of 5 leaves and is pertruding a new set from the middle but the havent opened yet, the other has two sets of 3 the are doing good but if you see my older pposts i have poictures from 2 days ago, they are gettin lil spots on the lower leaves.
  19. tommy5669

    Is It Time To Feed My Babies?

    Lantern, you seem real familiar with feeding, and everything, im an amatuer and i enjoy watching cannabis come to life, its usually hot with rain a couple times a week weather is always crzy here.
  20. tommy5669

    First time ive fed! Any help?

    i have MG plant food and i just put 1/4 the recommended dose, i used a quart bottle filled with water and 5 drops of the food, it said use 10 to 20 drops per qt. i poked a hole in a bottle and sprinkled over the leaves and pot like its rainiing, i didnt soak them, but they got a good feeding, is...