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  1. tommy5669

    Should i transplant?

    alright alright cool thanks man i juss wanna get my knowledge up ahead of time, so i dont fuck up on my first grow, so i can have a straight yield, an not have to learn from my mistakes lol
  2. tommy5669

    when is the earliest possible time to make a plant bud

    my plant isnt too big right now but i am curious for like the quickest grow ya know? mine is like a good 6 0r 7 weeks now about 13 inches, sets of seven an shit, when could i induce flowering.?
  3. tommy5669

    Should i transplant?

    i have a thirteen inch plant with two sets of sevens, it is in a 5gallon pot and the roots are already hangin through my drainage holes in the bottom,(i have to pop off the bottom part of the container.) i have another 61 pound bucket thats bigger but not double the size, would it be worth it to...
  4. tommy5669

    Is It Better To Water/Freed At Night, Or During The Day?

    i will take some in the morning for ya, they are gettin another set of seven now im so excited, this is my first grow ive ever had. im already hooked on it. thanks everyone for the helpful info
  5. tommy5669

    Is It Better To Water/Freed At Night, Or During The Day?

    yeah i feed about every three days or so, and the bottom shade leaves are completely yellow and r soon fallin off cause i dont wanna pluck em. lol wanna keep it natural.
  6. tommy5669

    Is It Better To Water/Freed At Night, Or During The Day?

    hello everyonee. i have been hearin its better to water at night because it doesnt make small magnifying glasses from the water drops, but people also say that you have to have an exact focal point that cant be made with water drops. so does anyone have info or comments, because if so i wanna...
  7. tommy5669

    7H Hydro (legal shit)

    yup thats why i told myself its a one time trip for me and it tore me the fuck up when i did smoke it. never again tho lol
  8. tommy5669

    7H Hydro (legal shit)

    so last night, me and a couple friends of mine rolled three fat blunts of it and we were fully intending to smoke all three, jus facin' em, (this was my first time tryin it) and we got through almost a blunt and i was dyin laughin jus zonin and shit we never finished the other two blunts hahaha
  9. tommy5669

    Anyone have time for help

    an im use MG pottin soil, and its in a 5 gallon pot and i just started feedin last week wit MG plant food, its over a foot with pretty sets of seven now
  10. tommy5669

    Anyone have time for help

    alright cool thanks everyone for the advice i always heard never pluck em tho cause it can stunt growth, they will fall off eventually right?
  11. tommy5669

    Anyone have time for help

    yea, the first set of one, they already curlin a lil an shit. and not the circular ones either the actual marijuana leaves, its those and the next set of three is doing it, but no where else. they gettin sets of seven with more comin from the middle, and i measured, its 12 inches today, and i...
  12. tommy5669

    Anyone have time for help

    I dont see anything, i mean there are also small black spots on the tops of the leaves, nothing big tho, and only on a couple of places, but anyways, its the first sets you have from the bottom of the plant, (not the ones directly from seed, but the first two sets that follow that)( if u know...
  13. tommy5669

    Anyone have time for help

    :leaf::leaf:hey guys whats up, i went and checked on my baby today and its growing sets of 7, with the small leavs coming from the main stem throughout the plant. they are lookin great, have any of you guys heard of water leaves, like the first set of 1 leaves on oposite sides, and the first set...
  14. tommy5669

    Please help!! Pics included!

    did u buy it at roses lol
  15. tommy5669

    Questions About Nutrients

    how manys do YOU water a week?
  16. tommy5669

    Questions About Nutrients

    okay so i used nutes for the first time today, how many days do i wait to use again? :shock::shock:i used it mixed with water and sprinkled my plants. i need to start a schedule, so if anyone would help, thanks ahead of time!!! im stoned as hell an i juss noticed the j rolled next to this...
  17. tommy5669

    First time ive fed! Any help?

    thanks man, sounds real good. when should you usually water? i do every 2 day sometimes 3, is that not enough, or to much, bc i occasionally sprinkle water on the leaves also
  18. tommy5669

    My Struggling Little Northern Lights Number 5

    hell yeah man id like to see it. im not sure about my plants i had some seeds id been savin from some good smoke i had, an i germinated one and just planted the seed for one and they both doin great.
  19. tommy5669

    First time ive fed! Any help?

    Anyone know weither my plants are indica or sativa. look at page 2 to see em.
  20. tommy5669


    cool cool thanks for the tip +rep bro