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  1. M0rt4lity

    First Really Real Deal Grow

    Nice looking plants what was the yield off of your one plant, i want to know a relative of where i'll reach I dont wanna set my hopes to high which i will unless i know what average is. Those buds look really nice, how was the smoke. Were you shock it was from some bagseed.
  2. M0rt4lity

    First Really Real Deal Grow

    Alright more pictures of my plants, I don't know how my plants are really doing its hard to compare to how they are supposed to look since i really dont know their strain. To me personally I'm amazed at the size of the leafs of the bag seed the leaf are massive. I'm wonder how it really is going...
  3. M0rt4lity

    Petition to Reform Medical Marijuana Laws Nationwide. Sign & Make a Difference Today!

    Hey I signed it but looks like the white house removed it
  4. M0rt4lity

    Green CFL during flower?

    A little bit of an old thread but I've been using green CFLS myself for night time so far so good. Even checked it with my light meter getting as close as i could really didn't pick up much of a light reading. So I'm also supporting the Green CFL working at night
  5. M0rt4lity

    First Really Real Deal Grow

    Newest Pics
  6. M0rt4lity

    First grow, bagseed, I'm in the closet, 25 days

    She's looking really good, I have one about 15-20 days old yet mine hasn't shown nearly as much production at the top as yours i have mine under a 1000W. I actually think i'm gonna go downstairs right now and takes some pics of her and post some it's been a while
  7. M0rt4lity

    1000w 2 plants SCRog, -PITBULL- 1st timer^^

    Nice grow subbed to this thread, i'm prior service myself. Working on my first grow with HID pretty excited about how they are doing
  8. M0rt4lity

    First grow, bagseed, I'm in the closet, 25 days

    Looking really good I really need to get to taking pics of mine and updating. Can't wait to see how your gals swell up
  9. M0rt4lity

    12-1 lighting schedule, has anyone actually tried this?

    referring to this quote haha sorry didn't realize what page i was one, and didn't even realize how many pages this thread had. now subbing
  10. M0rt4lity

    12-1 lighting schedule, has anyone actually tried this?

    haha old thread but i was bout to chime in and say exactly what james said. I'm amazed no ones else caught that guys math skills
  11. M0rt4lity

    First Really Real Deal Grow

    Pic Update time can just post pics this time for now, i'll be back on later to update about what i'm doing to these girls. ( Well as far as the bagseed hopefully girls) I'll be back thou i gotta go pick up the wife from work.
  12. M0rt4lity

    Petition to reform medical merijuana laws nationwide. Sign this petition & be heard!

    gotta make an effin account first may take me a min
  13. M0rt4lity

    First Really Real Deal Grow

    Alright i'm happy to say my HPS has came in today it's set up and my plants that's flowering got a good 8 hours under it. I Also transferred bagseed one and moved her to a bigger pot, i'll be feeding her first dose of nutes tomorrow going at 1/4 strength it will be miracle grow which never gave...
  14. M0rt4lity

    First Really Real Deal Grow

    Alright well this post may be no where near as what I have wrote before which kinda sucks because it was pretty damn good, well thought out. But it's alright well I have some news my 1000W HPS is coming in tomorrow so hopefully the one that is flowering right now will love me for that. Little...
  15. M0rt4lity

    First Really Real Deal Grow

    Well i had a really long post here lined up for yall but i got distracted by my baby and my computer went to sleep, and apparently it dont like that because it gave me the blue screen of death so i cried because it was a half hour worth of writing, but anyway maybe i'll manage to remember what i...
  16. M0rt4lity

    First grow, bagseed, I'm in the closet, 25 days

    Yup looks like another treat for that goat of yours, haha he's gonna hate you when you start running out of plants to give him. Sucks that you got a male, but at least you're getting a female come in.
  17. M0rt4lity

    First grow, bagseed, I'm in the closet, 25 days

    Yikes, looks like it is going in that direction doesn't it.. That's very unfortunate i'm sorry that leaves just one more dont it :sad: better get some more germinating just incase this other one ends up a male too. Let hope it doesn't come out to be one. Let the plant that looks like it has...
  18. M0rt4lity

    First grow, bagseed, I'm in the closet, 25 days

    BTW i'm doing my first grow journal on here, i've grown a couple times with cfls and then i still really had no idea what i was doing never even really had a big harvest i made only maybe a qtr oz per plant. Like I said nothing really major, until I have discovered this site i was really...
  19. M0rt4lity

    First grow, bagseed, I'm in the closet, 25 days

    Probably not during full flower but right when you girls start showing her sex, that'd probably be the best time.