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  1. F

    Paul Krugman is a Partisan Hack & a Complete Douchebag

    oh my, God bless his little perverted heart. i wonder how much he donates to charity? my guess would be very little, exactly like most lefties. they dont mind MAKING you and i "donate", but when it comes to goodwill donations.....there are stingy little cocksuckers. can you sense the hatred...
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    more brutal teabaggers

    i know, clinton and all his peeps were screaming about 911. bush should have listened a couple months into office.
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    hillarious aussies

    the quote "The similarities between Gillard and Obama are striking. Both are trailblazers -- Australia’s first female leader, the U.S.’s first black one" i just thought it was funny source...
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    9/12 republican debate thread

    pretty much just like a nazi, enforce his rules on others and not following his own. capital D and I. i expect nothing less from an infertile mind like yours
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    9/12 republican debate thread

    tell me about it, i didnt like having one, let alone several. clearly retarded, with a touch of stupidness/
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    Paul Krugman is a Partisan Hack & a Complete Douchebag

    looks to me like he is a first class douchebag. and a weasel. he is the kind of dork that got his ass kicked in highschool....and deserved it. a small, arrogant, person. trying to think of other ways do discribe him, but cant think of any really powerful words that discribe a commie...
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    more brutal teabaggers

    i hate half black, half white guys named barack hussien obama. does that mean i am racist? if so, so be it.
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    more brutal teabaggers

    clear this up for me, are we being racists against his black half or his white half. cuz i pretty much hate the whole package but not for the color of his skinn
  9. F

    more brutal teabaggers

    those regulations absoulutely crush small business. as a small builder of homes, i can tell you the profit margins on building are so tight, you cant imagine. when you quote a person 28K to remodel a basement, they get a permit, which i recomended against, theeir final cost was 48K. once...
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    more brutal teabaggers

    there you go folks. spoken from a true statist that loves nothing more than holding other people down and appointing police to monitor everything you do. he never owned a piece of property, never has been to the building department for a permit, knows nothing about logging (other than they...
  11. F

    The great thermite debate.

    was the gas station owned by muslims? there is your answer hehe. maybe you didnt know this, but 9 am is pretty much rush hour. and thousands of people witnessed the plane coming in low and crashing into the building. or were you thinking UFO's? also, i think that olsen chic (ted olsens...
  12. F

    The great thermite debate.

    so all the cell phone calls to relatives that said, "hey mom, a bunch of arabs just cut everyones throat and are now flying the plane i am on"......all those were fake too? the radar showing the planes flying into buildings and black boxes with the recordings "allah akbar" we faked. the...
  13. F

    The great thermite debate.

    3990 being pointless. so only 10 count.
  14. F

    more brutal teabaggers

    lets start with cafe standards. next, go to your city/county/state building department and try to get a permit to build, remodel, change zoning, etc. you want to see red tape that pushes people out of the market. try upgrading your house in any city with a building permit system. when...
  15. F

    more brutal teabaggers

    is this a serious question? here is a start, every regulation that comes out of the epa should be abolished. every state has their own epa, my state has 3 epa type beauracracies and many contradict the other. we have talked about all kinds of specific regs that should be abolished. you are...
  16. F

    more brutal teabaggers

    you are a troll. you refuse to read what he said. you are petty, a whiner, and infantile. so yes, the ceo responsible for the productivity, the profit, the safety, the facilities, the property, of a company is entitled to more compensation than a guy who comes in to sweep the floors. accept...
  17. F

    The great thermite debate.

    so the miles of video that exist showing planes flying into buildings isnt enough scientific eveidence to draw the conclusion that planes smashed into buildings and the ensuing damage, broke the buildings? or the few thousand people on the highway that watched the plane smash into the pentagon...
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    america, pay attention please

    direct deposit. i dont even have to be home. loving the leeching!
  19. F

    more brutal teabaggers

    not for another 96 weeks. pay me and shut up....oh wait, i forgot, you dont pay for anything including your own healthcare.:lol:
  20. F

    america, pay attention please

    so then pre existing conditions had no part in your wifes ability to provide you with insurance. so basically once again, another lie. your deception and misinformation is hard to follow. dope