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  1. F

    peace loving muslims at it again

    its pooring down rain here and i have a roof job. i chose to smoke jack herer and drink. but basically, i am gonna take those bennies till they run out. and thats kinda the point. if they offered for another year, i would try to get those too. its all natural human reaction when you reward...
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    more brutal teabaggers

    yes just a very simple graph.....hahahahahahahahahah so simple, did you get that in 2nd or 4th grade keynesian theory? i have seen it offered in both grades. anyway......yes, its all fucking bullshit. keynesian is bullshit. but thatnks to so 35 years ago. we did that already....nitwits
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    more brutal teabaggers

    far right? what is their position on abortion? see, they dont have one. thats kind of the point? duhhh
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    For the Gold Bugs

    the laws of economics, like physics, dont change. sorry to disappoint you. the more the planners plan, the more the planners fail, and the more the planners plan. true freedom and liberty are based on economic freedom. ATM we have little economic freedom because of this keynes bullshit.
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    peace loving muslims at it again engage sarcasm....the radicals of the muslim community are such a small minority. disengage sarcasm really? so the state of iran, about 100 million, which has a policy of...
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    no inflation here and jobs everywhere

    credibility = 0
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    this should be interesting

    gonna go out on a limb here cuz i have no idea what precipitated this, they had a bunch of people claiming to be cherokees but werent. probably trying to get to the fed money/entitlements. i might be totally off base but the way it sounded to me, it was all about the money.
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    this should be interesting i find the whole thing hilariously ironic. being as whites kicked the indians out, now the indians kick the blacks out.
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    no inflation here and jobs everywhere

    oh, and he mentions at least 2 supply siders opinions. but you do as good little keynesians do, bow your head, pretend like you are right, and lick krugmans balls.
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    no inflation here and jobs everywhere

    no one believes you mame. see you in 2012 buddy.
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    i got your green energy....hangin as usual, this is what it takes to keep this nonsense green energy bullshit afloat (thank you algore) special, perks, favors, backrubs...
  12. F

    excellent george will article
  13. F

    no inflation here and jobs everywhere if you care to educate yourself mame....start here.
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    no inflation here and jobs everywhere

    yep, had nothing to do with the govt injecting a few billion in, instead of allowing the market to work. keep trying little boy krugman junior. nobody believes you anymore.....finally! and who said anything about us being like greece? go find another chart so i can print it out and wipe my...
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    more brutal teabaggers

    i bet you a dollar that the "well known activist" is a teabagger from arizona dressed up as a well known activist from madison. thats my theory and i am sticking to it.
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    no inflation here and jobs everywhere

    uuuuhhhhhhh, understand what i am complaining about? hey doofus, what would you think they would print in the article? that inflation is do to keynsian injection of a trillion dollars into the economy? of course its market forces you apologist. you guys keep trying to dig yourselves out...
  17. F

    no inflation here and jobs everywhere all you gotta do is give the big eared one 500 billion more and he can fix this mess. hopefully this puts a knife in the heart of the whole keynsian bullshit forever. but...
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    Paul Krugman is a Partisan Hack & a Complete Douchebag

    oh, he isnt just your normal dork. watch him. he is a special kind of dork. the kind that is arrogant, condescending, know it all. the kind of dork that spends every waking moment either watching little boys take showers or telling everyone how smart he is and how stupid you are for not...
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    liberty and freedom is a tough pill to swallow. its against human nature. man wants to control his life and feels the easiest way to do that is by controlling others. kind of like the guy who builds a beautiful house on a perfect trout stream. as soon as he gets his occupancy certificate...
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    Paul Krugman is a Partisan Hack & a Complete Douchebag

    yes little buck, there are actually people who deserve to be physically assaulted. whats wrong, did the big bad bullies in school not play fair with you little buddy? pfft