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  1. F

    Talking heads

    for the record, the rates were that high under carter. were you even alive during carter? are you saying that 10 percent unemployment, 20 percent interest rates, 7 percent inflation rates were "the good ole days"? reagan cut personal income tax rates to 28 percent. subsequently unemployment...
  2. F

    Talking heads

    once again, your insight continues to amaze.
  3. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    no not really. right now i have 2 jobs going with 2 employees. please tell me what this has to do with the mayor of a major city MAKING employees go to a gym or pay 600 bucks a year fine? now if you can do that, please tell me how this fits into our law of the land, the constitution. i...
  4. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    are you this fucking stupid? please tell me it isnt so....please. let me use crayons......i am a single mother struggling to make ends meet. i had a husband but he decided to leave me for his 19 year old secretary. i work for the city. i am the worker who cleans up the building when all...
  5. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    yes, those poor people who can only afford that "cheap" food can spend all their extra money on the healthy stuff. why not just outlaw unhealthy food? i think thats a quicker way to get everyone skinny. did you know there are no overweight people in north korea? nevermind. you wont...
  6. F

    Talking heads

    why stop at 70 or 90. lets just take it all.
  7. F

    For the Gold Bugs

    boy oh boy, sharp as a tack today.
  8. F

    let the libs hike

    wow, you and little bucky really adding a lot today. i dont know how the rest of us can take all this insight. you guys must have gotten scholarships to really large, really expensive universities.
  9. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    more great contributions. thanks so much for your insight.
  10. F

    For the Gold Bugs

    i dont do spell check. thanks again for your contributions to the discussion.
  11. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    such a compassionate liberal douche....
  12. F

    let the libs hike

    a buddy sent me this video and i found it "enlightening" and hilarious. preach on brother!
  13. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    yep, simple math. and if the fat slobs dont lose the weight after getting on the program, then we should just tax twinkies. that will teach them. i got a better idea. how about we put a weight to height fat chart at the cash register of every grocery store. if you dont meet the chart...
  14. F

    For the Gold Bugs

    brilliant anylisis
  15. F

    Confessions Of An Angry Liberal

    lmfao, you are just now noticing that? what took so long haha.
  16. F

    Confessions Of An Angry Liberal

    i am blind. i didnt notice her skin color. but i did notice she was a bitch, who had a "victims" attitude. and i also noticed she seemed like she wanted a free ride from someone elses labor. those things i did notice.
  17. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    hey numbnuts, its called redistributionary keynesian. we already know all about it.
  18. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    the phrase that comes to mind, collosal pile of ignorance.
  19. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    maybe cuz its none of your fucking business what i do in my "spare" time. maybe i work 3 fucking jobs to pay for my kids college and dont get to eat healthy, home cooked, calorie balanced food. maybe i have a condition that keeps me fat, like GENETICS, ever heard of it? maybe my wife who...
  20. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    no, he is 35 years old, worked his ass off to go to 12 years of school, a couple years of residency, and has student loans out the ass. but he is one fat mother fucker....not that a liberal would ever judge someone becasue of how they look.... and you should see my pharmicist. that fucker...