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  1. F

    let the libs hike

    yes, thats almost the same as beating your wife legally.....oh boy
  2. F

    solyndra economy

    lets see here buck, when a person gets laid off they get unemployment. when they go back to work, they no longer get unemployment. its like a person, when they have a beard, they have hair on their face. when they shave their beard, they no longer have hair on their face. get it? are...
  3. F

    let the libs hike

    like what? they both have black clothes in their closets? they both bought shoes within the last 5 years? they both have skin? i guess you are right, a lot in common.
  4. F

    solyndra economy

    and there you have it. mental midget extrodinaire (i already know i misspelled it, so save it)
  5. F

    solyndra economy

    voila is french. i hate the french. i refuse to write french (with exception of the first word in this sentence) is it okay that i took the weekend off? unlike you, at least i pretend to have 2 jobs. you just sit on the computer all day and make stupid one line, meaningless statements.
  6. F

    let the libs hike

    i bet he doesnt beat his wife in public ;)
  7. F

    Islamic Dogophobia and Our Canine Heroes

    and they are being rooted out, and there are priests, in the CATHOLIC churches, PREACHING on sundays against it. there are also very high up people in the catholic church (not catholic so dont know what they are called, perhaps grand pubah or something) that regularly give sermons condemning...
  8. F

    Islamic Dogophobia and Our Canine Heroes

    let me give another example. when the nitwit from westboro baptists burned qurans, you heard a huge push against him from christians. there were people everywhere saying this guy is a douchebag even though what he was doing was legal. where is the muslim outrage against iran? muslims...
  9. F

    Islamic Dogophobia and Our Canine Heroes

    maybe you missed the part where i said, "and if they arent muslims...the should be condemned by all" . they certainly shouldnt be apologized for in any way. would any of you WANT your daughters to marry a guy who thinks like that? muslim or not, would you? then just be honest about the...
  10. F

    solyndra economy

    whats your conclusion on giving 500 million dollars to a company that fails in less than 2 years?
  11. F

    solyndra economy

    so you are happy that YOU AND YOUR KIDS are responsible for the 500 million wasted? wow. thats it, just wow i wonder what your response was when haliburton got contracts? i wonder if that was ok with you. because the jobs that haliburton made, are still there. the jobs that solyndra...
  12. F

    Islamic Dogophobia and Our Canine Heroes

    THEY ARE FUCKING MUSLIMS!! god dude, get a fucking clue. edit; and if they arent muslims, they are fucking animals and they need to be reformed/jailed/pissed upon and should be condemned by people of all faith
  13. F

    Islamic Dogophobia and Our Canine Heroes

    you constantly make excuses for muslim action. read your 2 last posts. to paraphrase you "yes its legal in iran to beat your wife, but i heard from a guy, who knows a guy, that once lived in eastern europe, that had a cousin that beat his wife" n, n, n, n he was christian." WTF is that...
  14. F

    Islamic Dogophobia and Our Canine Heroes

    yes, sure. its all those europeans beating their women that are the problem. ok, i will pull out the crayons again duke. here is the difference, when a western european beats his wife in his country or our country, they are put on trial/arrested/beat up by brotherinlaw/whatever. it is...
  15. F

    let the libs hike

    it must be real then. good, back to drowning polar bears. i am freezing. had to turn the heat on 2 days ago. the last couple days of summer were brutaly cold.
  16. F

    solyndra economy

    just listening to paul gigot on tv and he made a brilliat point solyndra IS the obama economic model, keynesian for the slow people. the whitehouse gave them 500 million bucks. throwing money at them thinking that it would automatically create jobs. MAJOR FAIL it is in direct parallel...
  17. F

    let the libs hike

    Next time you are going to be sarcastic, can you please tell us. I rhought for a second you were serious
  18. F

    Islamic Dogophobia and Our Canine Heroes

    wow, so inciteful. meanwhile, you, buck, and carne should keep apologizing for the muslims....and their pig eating God allah. i hear he even smells like bacon.....just what i heard.
  19. F

    Islamic Dogophobia and Our Canine Heroes

    who said that? no, the homo pediphiles didnt turn themselves in. OTHER CATHOLICS DID. was that to difficult to understand? or maybe i spelled something wrong and you got all confused? you really do have problems with comprehension dont you. so are you saying that homopedophile statute of...
  20. F

    Islamic Dogophobia and Our Canine Heroes

    hahaha too much man!! did you watch the video? if they are caught drinking or dancing THEY ARE FUCKING BEATEN!! just a friendly bunch those muslim countries. this you bring as evidence that they treat their women equally? seriously, i couldnt ask for any better evidence to support the...