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  1. F

    Police are racist as shit

    you are right!! every black and spanish cop i ever ran into hated whites. good post.
  2. F

    Voting rights for women in Saudi Arabia

    before all the muslim apologists get all wet in the panties, dont you see the irony in the whole thing? the KING says women can vote? that pretty much says it all.
  3. F

    modern day liberal....pussy.

    classy as in posting a bunch of pics with jesus in various sexual encounters? that kind of class?
  4. F

    Boeing 787 - A case study in how union labor could've saved a company some money.

    dumb question, dont you think the reason the company wont make a profit is becasue the big stick of govt douches fined the company over 2 billion? do you think that could have anything to do with it? besides, the company, to my knowledge only moved a couple months ago.
  5. F

    modern day liberal....pussy. this is what the liberal party has become. shouting down 20 year old girls. if i was at that bar i would have beat the piss out of this pussy. fucking gutless pussies.
  6. F

    Government LoopHoles:Steal This Book

    uuhhhhh what does this have to do with anything. but i will play. the wolves move to a different part of the forest to find food. rabbit population returns to preceeding levels, then the wolves move back in, and the cycle of life continues. now tell us, cuz we are hanging by a thread in...
  7. F

    Government LoopHoles:Steal This Book

    roflmao....seriously? cavemen? dude, cave men beat the fuck out of the guy with the stuff, and then took it. i would hardly call that "free shit". and then on the way back to the cave, he had to fight off sabertooth tigers and wooley mammoths. and indians bartered. i am sure you have no...
  8. F

    Government LoopHoles:Steal This Book

    uuhhhhhhh, no they didnt. do you go to public schools? cuz you sound really dumb.....and parasitic.
  9. F

    The great thermite debate.

    what temp does hydraulic fluid burn at? benzene? oxygen? titanium? large batteries? engine oil? nitrogen? seat cushions? you do know there are a lot of other things on a plane besides jet fuel that burn right? and there were a lot of other material in the tower besides jet fuel. the more...
  10. F

    Government LoopHoles:Steal This Book

    you and this answer are gay.
  11. F

    Government LoopHoles:Steal This Book

    you are so, so, so, noble. God bless you god. God, if i could be like you i would be awesome, i mean with all your voluntary giving to our govt, which is the saviour of all saviours....thanks again for your nobleness....
  12. F

    The great thermite debate.

    nd, if you walk into a calm, cool, perfect setting foundary.....and saw molten metal, would you be able to tell what kind of metal it is? when copper gets hot it glows, so does steel, so does glass. could you, or better yet, a rescue squad, tell what metal it was in a controlled environment...
  13. F

    Will Obama Be a "Shoe-In"?

    open a restaraunt that serves felafel. if its as good as you say it is, felafel eaters will pay for it. is it this complicated for you?
  14. F

    nah, keynesian is awesome... please give us more "investment" please? i am asking nicely....
  15. F

    Will Obama Be a "Shoe-In"?

    sometimes folks may have to move around. what are your skills?
  16. F

    Just wanted to know

    nope, you said plenty. thank you
  17. F

    Just wanted to know

    No silly, what that means is instead of expansion with that 3per it will mean he lays a guy off. Is this rocket science? Then the guy he lays off, who is not making 200 k, doesn't have a job. And with record foreclosures and big ears bailing out solyndra, what could POSSIBLY go wrong.
  18. F

    Just wanted to know

    i could give a crap either way to tell you the truth. but it was the true reason for the bailouts. thats exactly what conservatives said when they did it, and as evidence shows, thats exactly what it was, take taxpayer money and spend it to buy votes. small business is the current...
  19. F

    let the libs hike

    tell that to the wife with the black eyes. "yes honey, its the same principle, i beat your ass legally and wild bills wife has her own car, wears makeup, and goes to college. same principle indeed so shut the fuck up before i blacken your sisters eyes." those guys are almost twins! talk...
  20. F

    let the libs hike

    and you have the brain of a potato.