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  1. F

    Farrakhan Was Right

    i am high as fuck now, and will re evaluate this comment. but my initial take is your analogy isnt right.
  2. F

    fearmonger much?

    well i stand corrected on the left. it was apparently a bunch of fear mongering righties. they can go fuck themselves too.. get rid of your unsustainable pay/benefits packages doesnt matter right or left
  3. F

    fearmonger much?

    so the city is out of money, and rather than looking into costs of cops, and city union workers, pensions, the first thing they are gonna do is "stop prosecuting domestic violence. really? seriously...
  4. F

    Farrakhan Was Right

    i agree with that but your rothschild loans are a weak argument for anything. they were investing in what apperared to be a winner until hitler lost his fucking mind. lots of banks loaned hitler money, and like the rothschilds, who lost a lot of property and loot, they took a beating cuz the...
  5. F

    Farrakhan Was Right

    ha ha, i am pretty stoned right now. sorry dude, that was a bunch of jibberish.
  6. F

    Farrakhan Was Right

    half of what he says is bullshit. not factual, a made up lie. he is feeding this crowd to hate jews, and dont be afraid to burn down their banks. uuuuuhhhh 1930 much?
  7. F

    Farrakhan Was Right

    yes, class warfare, that will fix it. sarcasm much? let me guess who he wants to give it too? the poor people? edit although, a great speech and i agreed with a lot of it.
  8. F

    Koch Brothers Above the Law

    not apologizing for shit dick. i am right out front saying this is whats happening in the country right now. the govt is taking over the private sector. wake the fuck up. you will start sounding way more credible, and not so fruitcake.
  9. F

    Koch Brothers Above the Law

    i never heard of the coke brothers, dont give a crap who they are. what tea baggers are objecting to are common sense policy. they see every country in history trying keynsian crap, failing. keynsian is great if you like perpetual 10-12 percent unemployment, 5 percent inflation, and an ever...
  10. F

    Government LoopHoles:Steal This Book

    WTF are you talking about? do you think the taliban, when they took over the country, didnt murder about a kazillion brothers? do you think the bombs that are strapped to the 15 year olds before detinated in a neighborhood shopping district are somehow just hitting non brothers? do you have...
  11. F

    Government LoopHoles:Steal This Book

    ever been to afghanistan? cavemen
  12. F

    The great thermite debate.

    there were plenty of charcoal, large piles of papes and books, and plenty of bellows, wind blowing at 1000 feet, and lots of other shit that could have burned and melted the steel. this argument is stupid
  13. F

    modern day liberal....pussy.

    dude, conservative pussy is so much better. seriously. you can talk them into anything ;)
  14. F

    modern day liberal....pussy.

    she is twenty, i cut her some slack. she will eventually learn how to handle it, but i wouldnt expect her to know that at 20. especially coming from alaska. assholes dont tend to hang around in wasilla. if they do, the local polar bear seems to eat well for a couple days.
  15. F

    modern day liberal....pussy.

    so does that make him a homosexual pedophile? just wondering
  16. F

    Police are racist as shit

    for sure! obviously there are some cops that are bad. but to call them all racist pigs is like saying blacks like watermelon and chicken. just plain stupid
  17. F

    modern day liberal....pussy.

    and there you have it. the modern day lib doesnt see anything wrong with a 47 year old homo and his homo buddy screaming at a young girl who isnt even old enough to drink. all the while dropping F bombs and calling her mom a whore. nope nothing wrong with that stupid, nothing wrong at all...
  18. F

    Police are racist as shit

    i just usually hurl insults at them until they go away. then when they are walking away i will yell something like, "thats right you racist pig, get back on the reservation tonto" works everytime.
  19. F

    Voting rights for women in Saudi Arabia

    a wise old indian once told me, "you cant save them all". he was right.