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  1. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    so higher taxes leads to better health? lol stop please my stomach hurts from laughing. and i am all over limiting what poor people can do, buy, eat....i think we should make a law that says no fat, poor kid, should be allowed to eat hotdogs.....cuz they are bad for you. are any of you...
  2. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    thats exactly why we hate socialized medicine goofy. cuz we have to pay for other peoples problems. did i mention how much i love hearing you liberals (communists mofos) talk? tell us more reasons why this is fair and a good policy. folks, this is too fucking easy. tell us how those...
  3. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    lmfao, yes, its a plan to make you healthy. it will definitely cut down on people getting sick. especially by charging them 600 dollars a year. my doctor is a great man. he is fat too. fat lazy fucker.
  4. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    NP, it made me chuckle. hope i wasnt too hard on ya ;)
  5. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    yes cuz we all know people have tons of extra money around for things like food, smokes and lottery tickets ;)
  6. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    keep talking we love it. all fat people choose to be fat. all unhealthy people choose to be unhealthy. plus by taking 600 bucks a year from them it will cut down on all that money they have to feed their family.....who undoubtedly are fat too. did anyone mention that the foreclosure...
  7. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    what flaw are you talking about? read the fucking article. its 50 bucks a month if you dont participate. put the bowl down for 5 minutes and grab a calculator.
  8. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    and we all know how those single mom secretaries are paid. i think they make like a million dollars a year. and after work when they scrammble home to get the oldest ready for soccer, pick up the youngest from daycare, get home cook dinner and get everyone bathed up and ready for school the...
  9. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    yes, here in america, 50 bucks a month equals 600 bucks a year.....mate. or as we like to say here....douche
  10. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    its not my "attempt" to paint democrates as communists. the modern day democrats ARE communists. there really is no debating that. what would you call it when a govt MAKES you participate in something you dont want to, or cant do? cuz remember, its "good" for you and the "community" as a...
  11. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    i think we should go after those folks with MS next. those are some unhealthy motherfuckers. and what about the diabetes people? i saw one eat a sugar cookie last week. that should cost him about 200 a year at least. then we should go after those lazy fucks in wheelchairs. have you ever...
  12. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    so voluntary to you means if you dont do it you pay 600 bucks a year? thats voluntary? tell us more oh wise one....
  13. F

    hooray for chinese style fitness programs

    can we do this in red square just like the chinese? all the people gathered together and stretching together. this is so cool. i cant wait until someone has a heart attack or breaks a leg while excercising and sues the fuck out of this little commie bastard. who the fuck do these libs...
  14. F

    more brutal teabaggers

    you are the one in left field. an extreme right philosophy would be to get rid of the fed reserve, go back to the gold standard, completely loosen rules on companies, do away with many regulations currently in effect for monetary policy. tea party is just asking for common sense stuff like a...
  15. F

    more brutal teabaggers

    they have stars on the letter head. thats fucking right wing nuttyness ;)
  16. F

    The Federal Reserve does something Bold!

    can a moderator please tell troll boy to grow up? i have yet to see a single post by this asshat having any substance. he trolls every thread and completely blows them up rendering them useless for those of us who like hearing and learning from others political views. this is really getting...
  17. F

    The Federal Reserve does something Bold!

    do you know why we have always been the money of choice? why do you think countries are now starting to doubt that? clue, anyone, hello in there.....
  18. F

    The Federal Reserve does something Bold!

    can i just ask a simple question mame? where the fuck have you been for the last 5 years? seriously! dude, you are a smart kid. quit with the brainwashing already. waisting all this money on college has got to be killing your parents. wake the fuck up.
  19. F

    peace loving muslims at it again

    what i am saying is the radical muslims are a much bigger crowd that the left paints. there are hundreds of millions of radical muslims. it is NOT the few radicals as the left would like you to believe. it is way more mainstream than that. judge people by what they do, not what they say.
  20. F

    peace loving muslims at it again

    i am stoned as fuck, but i have no idea what this means ;)