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  1. Gregshed

    Flushing before harvest is Bro Science!

    Are you trying to look retarded? Doing a great job of that.
  2. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    The light might be a little close, looks a little compact, purple on the top. My success was learning to get the light and watering right not what soil or pot I used. Somethings give better returns, soil or moss in first few days doesn't make a difference.
  3. Gregshed

    Flushing before harvest is Bro Science!

    Talking about flushing must be the quickest way to identify yourself as a total retard in a room full of farmers and growers.
  4. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    Tried everything, still my advice is to make soil your go-to for everything.
  5. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    It didn't it just kept the seed wet, the soil did all the real work.
  6. Gregshed

    whats the cheapest and were to get, distilled or R.O. water?

    Cheaper to buy new humidifiers after the scale kills them over years and cleaning has destroyed the element.
  7. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    I just taught you how to use soil!
  8. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    Put it in a small pot of soil best way to find out.
  9. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    When it has more roots it will drink faster. That soil will feed till repot and repot soil feed for a few weeks so no rush to fertilize. Your at the do not do anything stage just stand and watch, very boring. Fertilizer, find a one bottle does all, keep it simple. Seaweed is great to...
  10. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    When it wants water almost daily and lots of roots are poking out of all holes then it will want repotting but maybe a week or so yet. Looks good, really simple once you get light and watering right isn't it.
  11. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    Big pots favour big plants, repotting is the better method to start with and teaches you a lot more. You will be surprised how much root that little pot holds when you repot which is ages away. Light is important, that light will work but too close and you just get stunted small plants, too far...
  12. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    Look ignore everything it looks ok, I don't know what light it is. Too close worse than too far at this stage but that also looks about right since it's growing fast looking happy.
  13. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    You can repot a few times just don't go too big. Plastic is better to start. Just make sure the light is at right distance, might like it closer but warm is ok. Looks like you will do well with that setup to start.
  14. Gregshed


    Hydro you might need to play about more, soil holds excess of everything the plant takes what it needs so rarely deficient if it in your fertilizer.
  15. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    Looks acceptable, you got easy 2 weeks till repot, it will grow lots of roots first throughout the soil from bottom to top. When you repot all the roots will hold the soil together and it just pops out nicely and clean even leaving the pot clean. Get a little bit bigger pot, you want a couple...
  16. Gregshed


    Some make growing mj easy some complicated as hell. One makes calmag a thing the other doesn't. There's always two types.
  17. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    Why mix a soil when you can just buy a ready made one that works well. All you need then is to get the basics like heat light feed water in place and that's all. The danger now becomes everyone saying you need to mix a special soil or pH feeds or calmag and none of that is needed it just makes...
  18. Gregshed

    What Sativa would you grow?

    Chocolate Thai.
  19. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    As roots develop and fill out the pot it will get more regular and eventually you will repot when it starts getting almost daily. All these things take some practice, an experienced grower will simply be able to tell quickly. Good luck hope she is growing well.
  20. Gregshed

    sphagnum moss experienced growers?

    Peat will do just as well without amendment for short term crops like this. Many use it with no problems. Ask yourself why you can't? If I wash my peat soil I get lots of sand and most bagged soils are already ammended in one or a few ways why it's packaged as the finished product.