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  1. Peaceman12

    Need advice on new product

    I use vermifire soil so I will check. The other grower uses it in fox farm ocean farm. Wonder if it even helps if soil is already in it?
  2. Peaceman12

    2014 ballot for legalizing marijuana question

    I agree. I'll stay on legal grounds like I am and hope clarification on this comes with spring crop. It's strange how much power local sheriffs office have in certain areas. I live near portland, but my friend in Medford hears all kinds of garage from local sheriff about how he thinks medical...
  3. Peaceman12

    Need advice on new product

    A friend of mine was given a bag which he got from another medical grower. It's called Mykos Mycorrhize and this guy uses it and swears by it to create stronger plants with better yields. He gave me the bag and I see how to use it at transplant, but can you use it on established grows? I'm 3...
  4. Peaceman12

    2014 ballot for legalizing marijuana question

    Thanks for the reply and link. I found and read the whole thing shortly after posting this thread. Your totally right about the 30 day provision on the ballot measure. I am just guessing based on what I read, the legal part of possession and limits will be in place and my question will get...
  5. Peaceman12

    2014 ballot for legalizing marijuana question

    Hi, I got my medical marijuana card in 2013 and it expires in December of this year. I am currently helping a few card holders with free stuff because they are on fixed income and too poor to get it at dispensaries. They haven't registered a grow at my house, because I grow just enough and am...
  6. Peaceman12

    Curing newbie question

    Any issues curing in giant 21/2 gallon air tight glass containers? I realize it could hold a lot of buds, but if you rotate daily, will it work well? Also if anyone has good link to curing with hydrometer, I would appreciate that. Read 6 different post that got way off topic and were old so I...
  7. Peaceman12

    Orange marks on leaves

    I finished a THC Bomb last grow and got over 4 oz and it looked healthier than my white Widow. I guess I could have been lucky though
  8. Peaceman12

    Orange marks on leaves

    I'll start using it regularly. I usually give it every three weeks of flower, but by end at harvest, leaves are a little depleted
  9. Peaceman12

    Orange marks on leaves

    Sure, the first 2 pics are the plants with rust marks. The other 4 pics are my other medical plants. The 3rd pic is my Big Blue Cheese plant. That plant has been the one with most issues. It had some burns from Nitrogen toxicity and shown def in magnisium. I feed it a full dose of general...
  10. Peaceman12

    Orange marks on leaves

    Thanks. I used link and it appears I might have copper deficiency. I just feed all my plants so I'll see if that helped. I gave them big bloom, tigar bloom, micro brew and open seseme by fox farm. Not sure if it will help copper deficiency, but I'll have to find out.
  11. Peaceman12

    Orange marks on leaves

    I don't foliar feed but did hit plants with some SM-90 twice when I had two days of humidity above 70%. I have no problems with leaf tips except is got a little nitrogen deficiency, but it worked its way out without much leaf damage. The two plants that have these spots, are my strongest and...
  12. Peaceman12

    Orange marks on leaves

    I have two THC Bomb plants with orange strips or spots. I can't seem to find a pic that can tell me what caused them on upper leaves. Plants under 600 watt HPS and both plants look really healthy and bushy. Anyone seen this on leaves before?
  13. Peaceman12

    Growing time question

    That makes sense. I just reviewed a local breeders grow journal, and his THC Bomb plants finished on flowering day 76 and his White Widow finished 81 days. Grower used 4 1000 watt HPS and has been growing many years. These strains are 7-9 week strains. 11 weeks, 4 days for white widow.
  14. Peaceman12

    Growing time question

    I am on my third grow and still pretty green, but I have read so much material on websites, grow guides, and grow journals. My observation especially reading grow journals is that seed banks give flowering times that are inaccurate. It seems to me most growers are 7-21 days past time frames they...
  15. Peaceman12

    How tall should I let plants get?

    Thanks for your advice. My plants have filled in really well after tying stems down awhile ago. Hopefully I'll get lots of colas. Tons of tops especially on plant I tried FIMMING guide on. Not sure how it will end up, but I'm guessing maybe too many tops. Probably needs to spread energy out a...
  16. Peaceman12

    How tall should I let plants get?

    If the plants weren't tied down, they would likely be much taller. They are pretty wide and fill my space pretty well. My clones and seedling usually get 8 weeks under crappy T8 lighting until grow room is empty. I vegi usually two weeks in MH lighting before 12/12 flip. I wonder where I can...
  17. Peaceman12

    How tall should I let plants get?

    It's too late for this grow, but I am growing 6 medical plants and would like to know how tall I should let them get in vegi stage to get 5 oz per plant. I have almost 6'x6'x 9' framed room in garage with 2 600 watt hps lights. Portable AC and 440 cfm carbon filter also. I grow in 7 gallon grow...
  18. Peaceman12

    Day 2 of flower

    Just wanted to let those who gave we advice with Issues like N toxicity and some small discoloring on a few leaves on one plant, I just wanted to say thank you. Looking at plants this morning and they look Great!!! They have endured two feeding and are now on 12/12 cycle. Here is current pic...
  19. Peaceman12

    Few leaves yellowing

    That kind of stinks. It's nice when you can fix a problem, so we can learn what works and what doesn't. I really messed up a NL/ Skunk hybrid last grow, and she was half the size of the other plants but she created 2 really nice oz. of nice medium to small buds. She was damaged for a long time...
  20. Peaceman12

    Few leaves yellowing

    Also forgot to mention. For some reason at 14-15 hour mark of light, my Big Blue Cheese plants (2), start drooping some. Read it would be a fatigue because they are ready for dark period. Is that a possibility?