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  1. Peaceman12

    Did extreme heat ruin my crop? Help!

    Anyone know how long before I know if they covert to hermies from this? Week? 2 weeks? Or will this stress leave me checking until harvest?
  2. Peaceman12

    Did extreme heat ruin my crop? Help!

    They are on second week of flowering and I made all the newbie mistakes last grow you could possibly do. Too many nutrients, terrible ph, too hot for 5 days, light leak. I am so worried I will turn these 6 to hermies
  3. Peaceman12

    Did extreme heat ruin my crop? Help!

    I got up this morning and my AC somehow got switched to a timing mode and shut off. Temp when I entered was 99. Got it fixed but my 6 plants may have been in very high heat for 4 hours. Will they all turn hermie? Should I give them thrive alive? Damn my first grow mistakes lead to hermies.
  4. Peaceman12

    Please advise! Plant my be having issues

    I'll flush it til it's 6.5. Next water I will test run off on other 5 plants. Here is my grow room pic. 3 white widow, 1 THC bomb, 1 critical mass, and of course northern light skunk 1 hybrid. Thank you I do check PH after I mix nutrients. Flower nutrients are very acidic.
  5. Peaceman12

    Please advise! Plant my be having issues

    Thanks, I am in a little paranoid phase probably worrying about everything too much. Last grow( my first) looked great til week 3 of flower and I had a light leak and had huge ph problem which was from lack of knowledge. I ended up turning whole crop to hermies. Smoke was very good still, just...
  6. Peaceman12

    Please advise! Plant my be having issues

    I wish I could check PPM, but I don't have a meter. I feed with distilled water and started out half strength measured nutrients, ph to 6.5. Moved to 2/3 strength and give each plant 3 cups of nutrients. A PPM meter is next purchase but not til August.
  7. Peaceman12

    Please advise! Plant my be having issues

    I can add more info to help. I use fox farm nutrients, six plants in 7 gallon grow bags. I am using vermifire soil. I grow in 6.5' x 6.5 x 9 grow room. I PH my nutrients to 6.5 and water to the same. I grow under 2 600 watt HPS bulbs on 12/12. They are getting 2/3 nutrients per feeding schedule...
  8. Peaceman12

    Please advise! Plant my be having issues

    Sure, here is my NL x Sk1. It got a early overdose of nutrients a month ago and I flushed it. It had mag def and Appears to mostly have recovered. A few fan leaves lower down still have the symptoms and I don't think they will ever recover fully. I am 9 days into flower. Journaling the crap out...
  9. Peaceman12

    Please advise! Plant my be having issues

    I was testing soil PH this morning and one plant that is a little on the light green side tested 6.0. After watering runoff was between 7.0-7.5. Using fox farm nutrients and this plant is growing ok, but has been recovering from Mag def. any steps I should take? Other 5 plant soil Ph is 6.5...
  10. Peaceman12

    Any issues with hermies? Pics included.

    I am on my second grow. All 6 of my plants became hermies last time and I believe it was do to stress from a light leak and very low PH (4.5) converted them last grow. I took clones before they changed during flowering, but I need to rule out that it wasn't genetic with the feminized seeds I...
  11. Peaceman12

    Plants recovering from nutrient overdose. Please advise

    Thank you for advice. I did a foliar feeding with very light epson salt and four days later light cal-mag feeding. Seemed to help a lot. Picture 2 in what I think is Nitrogen deficiency. Another plant was droopy and minor clawing on fan leaves, but it improved. I learned many lesions last grow...
  12. Peaceman12

    Plants recovering from nutrient overdose. Please advise

    I made a newbie mistake on my medical grow and gave nutrients at end of week 1 per fox farm feeding schedule, but Vermifire soil has two to three weeks of nutrients in soil. Ended up with two plants with nitrogen toxicity and two with mag defiency due to lockout I believe. I'm posting pics and...
  13. Peaceman12

    Fixing huge mistake. Please give my advise!

    Don't have a ppm meter. What do the run? Never used one. Thanks for link. Looks like potassium defiency like you said. Will need to research which fox farm nutrient has the potassium I need for this plant. Another plant is showing similar signs. Plant 6. Wonder if clones grew too long and...
  14. Peaceman12

    Fixing huge mistake. Please give my advise!

    I use fox farm nutrients. They haven't had any bloom nutrients. They got a dose of 3/4 of week 1 veg nutrients big bloom. The problem I didn't know was vermifire soil is packed with nutrients and I transplanted to 7 gallon grow bags 9 days ago from 1 gallon pots. So it appears they got large...
  15. Peaceman12

    Fixing huge mistake. Please give my advise!

    Thanks for feedback, but it can't be under watered. 4 of these plants just went through a flush yesterday. That is why they are droopy. I think plant 4 pic 4 had nutrient lockout from overdose. Pics 5 & 6 shows burnt edges on leaves and some lockout symptoms. Hoping flush fixed this and...
  16. Peaceman12

    Fixing huge mistake. Please give my advise!

    Oops, pics look terrible. Here are better ones. Again any additional advice?
  17. Peaceman12

    Fixing huge mistake. Please give my advise!

    Here are some pics of my medical grow. Pics 1 & 2 are Thc Bomb, pics 3 & 4 are White widow, pics 5 & 6 are northern lights skunk hybrid. As you can see my number 4 pic looks the worse. Interesting how plants 3 & 4 got same over dose of nutrients and one came out way better. Both pics 5 & 6 got...
  18. Peaceman12

    Fixing huge mistake. Please give my advise!

    I have 6 plants growing for a medical grow. This is my second grow. They are is 7 gallon grow bags in vermifire soil. All plants are betweek 14"-20". They grow on 18/6 growing cycle under two 600 watt HID MH light. Now my huge mistake. I blindly followed the Fox farm feeding schedule with soil...
  19. Peaceman12

    Help with diagnosis of plant. Light green fan leaves

    It is a mistake using FF nutrient schedule first week. Just a dumb mistake. I use spring water and the PH is between 6.5-7. My tap water is hard and won't work. I use a $25 soil meter that can test water hydration and light also. I use a water PH kit for runoff. FF nutrients usually bring PH...
  20. Peaceman12

    Help with diagnosis of plant. Light green fan leaves

    Tested water run off and it's PH was 5. Soil tested between 7-6.5.Very worried about whole medical crop now. I fertilized them during first week in soil that does need added nutrients. What should I do?