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  1. Peaceman12

    Trichomes Question

    First, I haven't been able to get pictures so you will all have to take my observation which hopefully isn't wrong :). I have a critical mass in the harvest window with most Trichomes cloudy, so I flushed it this morning. While rechecking Trichomes again I looked at two of my White Widow plants...
  2. Peaceman12

    Dolomite lime question

    Any Any issues to worry about with dolomite lime in soil?
  3. Peaceman12

    Dolomite lime question

    I will be starting a grow next month and have a question about dolomite lime. I was told Vermifire soil is a little hot to start out with and adding Tbsp of dolomite lime per gallon of soil will keep PH in check and stable. Is that true? I know nothing about adding dolomite lime so any advice...
  4. Peaceman12

    Help! Is this a hermie on my Critical Mass?

    Thanks man. I appreciate the support from this board. I grow this strain the help out a friend with a severe muscular problem that looks like early Parkinson's. Critical Mass has high CBD which hopefully will help the guy out. I give him as much free smoke as he can use to control his trembling...
  5. Peaceman12

    Help! Is this a hermie on my Critical Mass?

    I hope you are right. I am very paranoid because last crop got hermies because I made every newbie mistake in the book. Poor PH, light leaks, etc. This branch just looked a little different and it's on the lower part of plant.
  6. Peaceman12

    Help! Is this a hermie on my Critical Mass?

    Here are some pics. Just found two spots I'm questioning. I just started 6th week of flowering today. Not seeing these anywhere else on other 5 plants. Please advise.
  7. Peaceman12

    Nutrient schedule help

    Thanks for your advice. I use vermifire and 7 gallon grow bags. I'm entering 5th week of flower. I have been giving way too low of nutrients to my 6 plants. Soil is probably mostly tapped out. Giving about 75% strength to my plants last week and they look way better. Here are bud picks from...
  8. Peaceman12

    Nutrient schedule help

    I do add nutrient to water and PH them til 6.5. I have never mixed less then a gallon of water with nutrients. My main question is the feeding schedule gives you a number of teaspoons per gallon for each nutrient for every week. The top of schedule says to feed twice per week. So, is the numbers...
  9. Peaceman12

    Nutrient schedule help

    I am on second grow and need some advice of fox farm feeding schedule. It is easy to read and I have the full nutrient line except flower kiss and bembe. My question is are the number of tsp under each nutrient the total for the week or each feeding? It says to feed twice per week. I know to...
  10. Peaceman12

    Need grow room advice

    I've been checking everyday the smell outside. So far so good, nothing yet. I'm starting 5th week of flowering and room is smelly, but not outside. It would be easier to have fan blowing in air from garage but it doesn't sound like that is best idea
  11. Peaceman12

    Need grow room advice

    I have a closed grow to keep summer heat down with a AC unit. I was told that a fresh air added to room will help my yield. My grow room is a framed in room in back of garage and my garage is not insulated so it gets very warm during hot days. Should I install a 240 cfm fan in wall drawing air...
  12. Peaceman12

    Need someone to explain nutrients for soil.

    Thank you to everyone with your advice.
  13. Peaceman12

    Need someone to explain nutrients for soil.

    Thanks. Will move away from this. Next microbrew and boomrang.
  14. Peaceman12

    Need someone to explain nutrients for soil.

    I have kangaroots, but use thrive alive instead of boomrang. Will be getting micro brew next. I do use beastie bloom and cha Ching I will use soon. Do you use ppm meter and how much nutrient water do you give them and how? I mix everything at 1/2 strength into gallon of distilled water. I also...
  15. Peaceman12

    Need someone to explain nutrients for soil.

    Here are pics. First is THC Bomb, pic 2 is my third White Widow. Was flushed Sunday and has some small nutrient burn, but buds are fattening up. Pic 3 is white widow also. Pic 4 is my only Critical Mass. Pic 5 is for White Widow. Pic 6 is my yellowing plant northern lights x Skunk
  16. Peaceman12

    Need someone to explain nutrients for soil.

    On my second grow and have questions that are probably dumb. First, no hydro comments, I need info for feeding in soil. I use fox farm nutrients and they give you a weekly feeding schedule that is simple to follow. Everything is suppose to be mixed in 1 gallon of water. Easy enough to follow...
  17. Peaceman12

    Did extreme heat ruin my crop? Help!

    Here are some pics of my medical plants that got cooked. Image 1-3 are all white widow, pic 4 is THC bomb, pic 5 is critical mass, pic 6 is Northern lights x Skunk1. My 3rd White widow is fairly droopy. I think in such a hot room, being near the fan, makes it worse with extremely hot air being...
  18. Peaceman12

    Did extreme heat ruin my crop? Help!

    Thanks for your reply. All my plants but one are clones from first grow which is messed up, but learned a lot. My 5 clones came from Herbies Head Shop in Europe. All feminized seeds. Hopefully that place sells good genetics. Anyone know?
  19. Peaceman12

    Did extreme heat ruin my crop? Help!

    One of my post, I mis-spoke. All the ph, light leaks etc were last grow. This 4 hours of heat is on second grow