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  1. Peaceman12

    Portable Ac/water question

    Thank you for all your responses. I tested ph today of water and it came up 5.45 and 0 ppm. I would need to use ph up for watering with current readings
  2. Peaceman12

    Portable Ac/water question

    Outside flowers and scrubs are fine. That is the reason I ask this question. Also the hydroponic store owner said since I'm in a well area with hard water, he would use it. He does, but I don't know him. Was hoping someone on this board who has done this would chime in. Would be easier.
  3. Peaceman12

    Portable Ac/water question

    Thanks for your response. I appreciate it. Strange that a grower at my hydro shop uses the water for his grow, but never had guts to try using it on my grow. Plus I'm just starting third medical grow
  4. Peaceman12

    Portable Ac/water question

    What if I ran it through a Pur water filter?
  5. Peaceman12

    Portable Ac/water question

    I am running a portable AC in my medical grow. I have a fairly simple question. Does the water the AC produces good for watering my plants? I have been dumping it on outdoor flowers and scrubs. Also what about water from dehumidifier water? Same question.
  6. Peaceman12

    Post harvest questions

    4 weeks. Maybe longer but my vegi lights stink. I use a closet for clones with t-8 lights. Will vegi extra two weeks and see where it goes
  7. Peaceman12

    Post harvest questions

    A little over fertilization right off the bat and it caused issues for three weeks in vegi stage. Temps were good except for near the last 3 weeks it was like 87-90 for 2 hours of the 12 hr light cycle. I plan on vegi extra two weeks this time.
  8. Peaceman12

    Post harvest questions

    I harvested my medical crop which should be a happy time, but I do have a slight disappointment in my yield. I had 6 plants and two had issues early but they healed up and still produce some decent flowers. I ended up is 17 1/2 oz and 27g of dried keif from dry ice. I set a goal and did lots of...
  9. Peaceman12

    Harvest/hermie issue

    Thank you to all the replies. I appreciate the comments and help. I will setup extra time doing a more thorough examination more often on lower branches.
  10. Peaceman12

    Harvest/hermie issue

    Hi, I just finished my second medical harvest and everything looked great until I cut up the biggest yielding White Widow. We found on the lower part of plant a seeds at lower parts of a several buds. After close examination, I believe part of plant became hermie. Not sure what happened, but...
  11. Peaceman12

    600 watt hps light question

    Looking at light chart, you will not get optimum light penetration with 600 watt HPS if your plants get more then 3-3 1/2 feet. Not sure longer vegi time is worth it
  12. Peaceman12

    600 watt hps light question

    I am about to start my third medical grow and have a question about light penetration. How tall could I grow my plants with 2 600 watt HPS in a 5.5 x 5.5 x 9 foot grow room. I will have 6 plants in 7 gallon grow bags. Would like to increase my yield so I can donate more to those who can't afford...
  13. Peaceman12

    Dry ice extraction

    Thank you. I really appreciate the advice
  14. Peaceman12

    Dry Ice keif extraction question

    Thanks for the quick reply. Your advice make sense, so I will dry out the trimmings and enjoy making some keif. Hey, which micron bag do you use? It seems people do it many ways. My first grow, I had hermie hell from newbie mistake after newbie mistake, but I made keif with a 220 micron...
  15. Peaceman12

    Dry ice extraction

    Hi, I am finally near harvest on my second medical grow and I have a question about dry ice extraction. Does the trimmings need to be dry or can they be freshly cut and still be wet? First grow I used dry and it worked great, but don't know if trim should be dry since dry ice freezes everything...
  16. Peaceman12

    Dry Ice keif extraction question

    Hi, I am finally near harvest on my second medical grow and I have a question about dry ice extraction. Does the trimmings need to be dry or can they be freshly cut and still be wet? First grow I used dry and it worked great, but don't know if trim should be dry since dry ice freezes everything.
  17. Peaceman12

    thc bomb

    I'm only finishing my second grow right now, but i would top them and give them some time to recover. I have a one that is over 3' high in my grow room after topping. I'll send a pic after lights come back on at 10 tonight. My stretched more then in my first grow which I messed up a lot of...
  18. Peaceman12

    Help and advice upgrading grow room

    Hi growers! I am at final weeks before harvest on my 2nd medical grow. I have a 6 x 6 x 9 framed in grow room in garage. I have two 600 watt hid reflector hoods, and grow 6 plants per the legal limit in 7 gallon grow bags. I have a few questions and any help is very appreciated. 1. If I replace...
  19. Peaceman12

    Advice upgrading grow room lighting

    Thanks, I'll repost there.
  20. Peaceman12

    Advice upgrading grow room lighting

    Hi growers! I am at final weeks before harvest on my 2nd medical grow. I have a 6 x 6 x 9 framed in grow room in garage. I have two 600 watt hid reflector hoods, and grow 6 plants per the legal limit in 7 gallon grow bags. I have a few questions and any help is very appreciated. 1. If I replace...