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  1. loaded dervish


    That plant is a monster for a skunk i thought skunks were early finisher you got a sativa dominat skunk? Were did you get this plant i want some sativa dominated skunk sounds cronic!!
  2. loaded dervish

    First outdoor grow need help please

    I would not trust bag seeds never know what your geting. if there are seeds in your sack it is not that great of weed. If you are going to spend money on soil and nuts buy seeds. atleast if you buy seeds you know what genaticts your geting when your plant will finish can it stand the cold or...
  3. loaded dervish

    Keep deer off your crop FOR SURE!

    I use chicken wire and a crossbow i get my plants and my meat for the year dam deers. I also pee arowned my plants i got no clue if that helps but chicken wire works great deer cant get there greedy teeth on my plants. You could also go bear grills style with a swinging trap like a log pulled...
  4. loaded dervish

    Washington State Outdoor Grow

    What part of WAshington do you live in? I live acrost the bridge from tacoma in key peninsula. I put my plants out about middle of may but i start them inside. It all depends on the strain you are growing i choose northern lights and swiss cheese becuse of the early finish and mold resistant. I...
  5. loaded dervish

    help me make the best of a bad location! this will be my first outdoor attempt!

    I live in Washington planting right next to the ocean up on the hill top. Over looking the ocean i cant wait to see the stank that is going to come off these buds flowering!! Im growing northern lights witch shouldint be bad. Then im going to go with swiss cheese should have a dank smell. Then...
  6. loaded dervish

    When you going to start this year

    i was thinking about starting them indoor geting them to a foot and puting outdoors in may. i live in washington so it is cold just snowed today. Will the plant be affected going from the light and heat of my grow box? it will go from difrent light time and climite.
  7. loaded dervish

    WestCoast Growers thread

    haha was at Tcc today the snow was just comming down. I hope it warms up soon so i can put my seeds outside!! I have also been doing the alumin soil samples seeing if growned was effected. All that spaying gosip about chemtrails. That is one long drive to eastern WA just for some plants.
  8. loaded dervish

    WestCoast Growers thread

    I am from acrost the bridge from tacoma. I am going for 5 feminized sweet purple seeds, 5 feminized northern lights, and last but not least 5 feminized swiss cheese. I am starting these plants on 4/20 indoors then planting outdoors in may! I will give them a month to get some growth befor i...
  9. loaded dervish

    Do you have a nice ride?

    I like the old shool muscle cars got a 1968 chevelle befor and after pics. Lots of time and work and money but well worth it. If you got the time this car will only go up in price it is a nice investment. fix it up yourself it turns out to be a cheap car!!!
  10. loaded dervish

    Outdoor Irrigation System

    if you are going to use solar panel for pump might as well get a camera to see who all has been to your plot. You can abandon it befor the pigs set up there sting!!
  11. loaded dervish

    Pit Greenhouse

    no it is a kind of green house mostly in canida were it is cold to grow fruit all year round. It will keep heat becuse it is underground will have cement walls!!! this guy is a genus he build a house with 500 dollors that ran off the grid it is some crazy stuff.
  12. loaded dervish

    Pit Greenhouse

    have any of you guys herd of a pit greenhouse. it is supose to be partly underground making the green house keep its heat. This means you dont have to pay for heat and can be stealth in the middle of my property. I was wondering if anyone has built a pit greenhouse and has any tips. I have been...
  13. loaded dervish

    Outdoor Underground Grow Room Idea

    You do not want to plant males in your spots the males will polinate your plants and you will get seedy less quality buds. You should do some research befor you go off trying to harvest some bud kill all your males bad for everyone. you can get cheap cams my mom got cams to souround are house/...
  14. loaded dervish

    Another yield game! GUESS MY YIELD

    No one will guess exsactly if i new what strained and the density. It is kinda like og kush compaired to amsterdam fire. og kush looks small as a zone becuse it is dense. But when i get a zone of amsterdam fire it looks like a zone and a half becuse it is fluffy. if i had to guess 1-2ounces.
  15. loaded dervish

    Outdoor Underground Grow Room Idea

    Do not dig a hole it will draw more attention then just a plant here and there speread out. You got to rember what are you going to do with the dirt after you dig it up will you carry it on tarps miles away from your grow. I dont think so it is just easyer to put in a plant here and there and...
  16. loaded dervish

    BEST STRAINS for Canada?

    Hey i live in Washington right next to canida. I grew some sweet purple last year it was a nice grow. If you are a beginer i would recomend northern lights for your area i would start your plants inside arowned may. There are many difrent strains you can get it all depends on what your looking...
  17. loaded dervish

    help get green card

    na if i get busted whyle growing without green card is dum i would rather buy a ounce of personal at a time!! Tell i get my green card i will not grow goverment is not going to fuck me this time.
  18. loaded dervish

    help get green card

    i did not mean green card like i am not a citizen of the united states. i mean mj card to get weed why should i have to go to the drug dealers off the streets and not to top growers who sell to dispenserys. I got some ak47 it is ok but nothing compaired to some dispencery weed my buddy had some...
  19. loaded dervish

    What in the World Are They Spraying? omg plz watch

    The goverment had sompthing to do with 9/11 there is proof. people who were in the pentigon said it was not a plane there was no plane parts or black box. also the room that was hit the day befor said they had lost 2.1trillion dollors. also there was thermite painted onto the walls or the twin...
  20. loaded dervish

    What in the World Are They Spraying? omg plz watch

    This is some bull shit who want to play god. If i was the president i would be kicking some some ass to who ever is spraying. who thought it was a good idea to spay aluminum into are atmosphere it will slowly kill us as it gets into are drinking water they are slowly killing the population. This...