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  1. Oldgrowth

    anybody in the usa order from attitude seed bank lately?

    I ordered from demon seeds in the uk, it was here in 9 days and 100% germination.
  2. Oldgrowth

    How do you add nutrients to soil?

    if your using a good potting soil you wont need to add anything for 3 weeks or so
  3. Oldgrowth

    leaves turning brown

    You have me laughing dudeoflife! Trying to guess without info is like pissn in the wind, you get a result but mayby not one you looking for!
  4. Oldgrowth

    FIRST HYDRO JOURNAL - Armageddon - Motivation

    Looking good! As i have a coulple of motivation growing now i'm quite interested in your progress. It looks like you topped your plants, yes? If so more than once? Thanks Old Growth
  5. Oldgrowth

    leaves turning brown

    Have you been feeding? could be nutrient burn...
  6. Oldgrowth

    First time grower here.... one odd lady question...

    Me I would stop feeding now. They look like a stativa cross . Indica would have much longer bottom branching. Hope this helps! I have better yields with Indica indoors and it blooms faster.
  7. Oldgrowth

    a question if someone could answer please

    I've a lot of conflicting info out there on this subject. From personal experience I have had good germ rates with 2 1/2 yearold seeds stored in light tight container in cool dark place. Now these were seeds I grew and were large fully mature seeds that were dried propery and stored and never...
  8. Oldgrowth

    Kiss Germination And Kiss Cloning

    I would think weak seeds. How were the seedlings that did sprout? Were they slow in developing?
  9. Oldgrowth

    Light Cycle Thoughts

    Thanks Gobbly I see we are on the same page here. I agree compleatly with you! Although i have seen as long as 5 week delayed blooming on plants veged for 24 for 6 months! Yes I think you right about the temps! Old Growth
  10. Oldgrowth

    HELP!!! please

    I think you let it go till those crystals at least 50% or them turn amber. I think it will smoke just fine. Theres plenty of resin production. And it will let those sead fully develope. They should be all female and pehaps given better growing conditions wont go hermy. I wonder what stressed it...
  11. Oldgrowth

    Kiss Germination And Kiss Cloning

    No offence taken DarthD3vl! If you look at Sir Smokers post number 6 below there is a link Starting your seeds . Oh here it is! lol I have to wonder if you soaked the paper towels as I described (paper is a wood product and it takes time to fully absorbed the water and become saturated) and were...
  12. Oldgrowth

    aeroponic c02generator

    When you give your plants all the water, nutients, proper ph and lots of light the limiting factor becomes C02. Your plants use C02 to compleate photosynthesis. So adding C02 is like adding anouther nutient. When I first used C02 I almost tripled my yield although part of the gain was better...
  13. Oldgrowth

    Kiss Germination And Kiss Cloning

    Thank you Sir Smoker for the nice reply. I will now concider you a gentleman and a scholar! Perhaps we will be friends?
  14. Oldgrowth

    Growth has slowed

    You don't tell us the strain your growing. But no I dont think it's done flowering. You may be seeing less gains in length but you should see gains in girth and weight! Look for 50% of the hairs to turn red as an indication your getting near peak bloom. If you have magnification you can look for...
  15. Oldgrowth

    Kiss Germination And Kiss Cloning

    I acknowlege your opion Sir Smoker. I have to respectfully disagree with your stand on planting root tip down.......As for your hate of my suggestion, that is one thing this site has way to much of Hate! I only offer a very simple approach that has worked for me every time! How can we argue with...
  16. Oldgrowth

    Kiss Germination And Kiss Cloning

    That is true Sir Smoker but I sure am reading about a lot of people struggling to do the simple and germ and cloning seem to come up often. I thought I could help...Smiles
  17. Oldgrowth

    My first mistake, first grow.

    What kind of soil? Any good potting soil has plenty of nuttrients for at least three weeks. Tell me your not feeding them yet are you? If you are go flush them three times with fresh water.
  18. Oldgrowth

    My first grow, please help! Running out of room!!!

    I have to agree you should top them a bit above the center. You have room to the sides and topping will spread them out. You will have more buds closer to your light. Closer = stronger
  19. Oldgrowth

    17 days old great growth but not getting very tall. Thoughts??

    Its Indica baby! short and bushy!
  20. Oldgrowth

    17 days old great growth but not getting very tall. Thoughts??

    For me not getting tall is a very good thing! Smiles! They are just seedlings and it takes awhile to get going. Now I see your new pics and i think you need more space, more light and i would have topped them sooner but its not to late. I not sure what type of grow you looking to do but I've...