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  1. Oldgrowth

    First time just wondering on the health of my plant

    Here are pics of my Top Skunk at 11 days from sprouting. These are six inch pots. They are in Fox Farms ocean with 24% perlite added. Nothing but bottled water under 4 foot 4 bulb daylight 6000k flouresents. AS much as i hate breaking our wellmeaning freinds bubble Flat White Paint is 25-30%...
  2. Oldgrowth

    plant 1 pound?

    Do ya think he ment 1 pound per light just maybe? Hmmmmm?
  3. Oldgrowth

    plants are thin and tall and how to stablize the RH if we use a humidifier

    really need pics, what strain are your plants?
  4. Oldgrowth

    Anyone care to take a guess at what strain this is?

    I'll venture a indica cross, its either has afgani infuence or its getting cold at night for the purple viens to show up
  5. Oldgrowth

    Bubba Kush seeds

    I relly believe if you get your seeds from the right source you may find the pheno your looking for if you go through enough plants, but i agree it would be much easier to get a cutting...
  6. Oldgrowth

    Is this HPS system worth the money?

    If your looking for 1000 watt system check these folks out $219 includes shipping!
  7. Oldgrowth

    Need help (pics inside)...

    I would venture a guess that your not running co2. I think its a combo of nutrient od and heat. if you ran co2 the heat you decribe wouldnt be a prob. i would run lights at night to try and keep temps down a bit and flush the afflicted plants several times.
  8. Oldgrowth

    Help my 2 week old plants are drooping...14 plants plz help

    why are you feeding such young plants? my guess you are shocking them with nuts and light
  9. Oldgrowth

    What if... they are all hermies!

    r u sure there not males? you will know soon! hermie are stress related for he most part.
  10. Oldgrowth

    Should I Stop Using Miracle Grow Now?

    at least two weeks before harvast.
  11. Oldgrowth

    Failing in cloing will try this hope it works!!

    I wrote a post Kiss Germination And Kiss Cloning Check it out its a very simple method that has worked for 30 years for me.
  12. Oldgrowth

    EMERGENCY! Nute burn on 3 week old plants?

    you just dont need to feed this young. plenty of nutirents in potting soil 3 weekold? i have 8 day seedling now three times this size and have not fed at all
  13. Oldgrowth

    runted plants.. +rep for right answer

    after looking more closly at your pics are you feeding these babys? it could be nutrient burn or light/ heat. ive found they will ussally snap out of it but will be week or two behind. if you are feeding flush them out
  14. Oldgrowth

    runted plants.. +rep for right answer

    my experience with femised seeds are they can be slow starters. dont know if they just arnt as mature as they could be or the chemical treatment some use to produce feminised seeds weaken the seeds.
  15. Oldgrowth

    How many plants and what light for an 8 x 8 tent?

    Wow you ask a lot more than you know. I run 1000 watt hps in 5x5s and grow 9 plants each. i top them so there are 4 main branches on each. my plants are about 2 foot tall at harvast(above the 5 gal pots). I veg for 2 weeks before flowering. I average 1 1/2 -1 3/4 pds per light. Since i use...
  16. Oldgrowth

    can i use 400 watts hps/mh bulb on 600 watts ballast????????

    unless you have convertable ballast you cant put metal halide in hps ballast. if you have hps bulb just use it you will get great results. ive been useing only hps for 30+ years!
  17. Oldgrowth

    can i use 400 watts hps/mh bulb on 600 watts ballast????????

    You would be way better off running the 600 watt hps than a 400 watt mh. Its just not safe first of all and you will get so much more light out of the hps! I run hps excusivly through veg and flowering with great results. Evan a 600 watt metal halide puts off much less light than a 600 watt hps...
  18. Oldgrowth

    Bout to start flower in a couple days...prep advice?

    Your doing great! you have gotten good advise. Just remember there is always an urge to give more nutrients but error on the light side and you will smile at harvast, error on the heavy side and you will cry.....
  19. Oldgrowth

    purple vs green stems

    Different strains....indicas have lots of purple/ red in the genetics
  20. Oldgrowth

    Newbie in need of help

    I think if you want to grow more than an oz at a time you will need 600 watt min and 9 -16 square feet of growing space. You would prob need to make some kind of homemade refector as the lights you have will focus the light and heat to much, need to sread it out a bit