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  1. Eternalghost

    Ventilation for a Co2 setup????

    I dont wanna run co2 with my fans on. I can easily turn all off but 1, My a/c. It only has 1 vent out the back and it has to be ran outside. So after my light I hooked up a tee and connected one side to a/c and other branch goes to inline fan that exhausts outside. I cannot hook a timer or...
  2. Eternalghost

    Can't Think of a Catchy Title

    I thought about the chimney, there is actually a 6" access door right where the oscillating fan is. But I don't know much about them. Can I run duct right to the access door? I know the hot water tank and furnace vent out of it. Or would I have to run duct all the way down chimney? That I cant...
  3. Eternalghost

    Ventilation for a Co2 setup????

    My a/c, dehumidifier
  4. Eternalghost

    Ventilation for a Co2 setup????

    Hello everyone. I am a fairly new grower, have had a few good grows but I know I can do better. I would like to add Co2 to my system but dont wanna waste the money if im just wasting Co2. Here is my problem.... In my bloom room I only have 1 exhaust. (my room is surrounded by brick and that's...
  5. Eternalghost

    Ventilation for a Co2 setup????

    Hello everyone. I am a fairly new grower, have had a few good grows but I know I can do better. I would like to add Co2 to my system but dont wanna waste the money if im just wasting Co2. Here is my problem.... In my bloom room I only have 1 exhaust. (my room is surrounded by brick and that's...
  6. Eternalghost

    Can't Think of a Catchy Title

    Anyone with some Co2 and ventilation knowledge?
  7. Eternalghost

    Can't Think of a Catchy Title

    I dont have anymore space
  8. Eternalghost

    Can't Think of a Catchy Title

    So it being October im not too concerned about heat, I plan on getting central air after winter then im going to move my intake from outside to in. I would like to add co2 in the near future but believe that would be a waste of money due to how I have my room vented. Any ideas? All the walls in...
  9. Eternalghost

    Can't Think of a Catchy Title

    and here are my girls,
  10. Eternalghost

    Can't Think of a Catchy Title

    And my a/c and dehumidifier. Being that its October, Im not using the a/c and will probably disconnect the tee soon, I can use the heat coming from dehumidifier in the winter months
  11. Eternalghost

    Can't Think of a Catchy Title

    Here is the intake coming into bloom room, I have my vortex fan hiding off in corner, There is the 6" tee there as well (hidden under insulation) the other branch goes to my a/c and dehumidifier.
  12. Eternalghost

    Can't Think of a Catchy Title

    here are some pics of my veg room, The sealed off window with the 6" duct running to bloom, No in or out vents in this room
  13. Eternalghost

    Bad seeds?

    Sounds like a plan, thanks for the info
  14. Eternalghost

    Bad seeds?

    Quick noob question. About a year ago, I bought seeds online from a vendor (actually goggled cheap marijuana seeds) . It was my first grow. After almost killing them with nutes in veg (1500ppm)&(3 weeks with a calmag problem i did not address right away) At about 8 weeks into budding i got...
  15. Eternalghost

    Can't Think of a Catchy Title

    Basic layout. Pics coming
  16. Eternalghost

    Can't Think of a Catchy Title

    Hello, First time poster here, just migrated from icmag. (obvious reasons) My room is roughly 12x8x7 split in half 6x8x7. (Veg-Bloom) Its in the basement and all the surrounding walls are cinder block. I have a 600 watt hps, I think I can only use a portable a/c unit (because of the brick) which...
  17. Eternalghost

    A couple HVAC questions

    Every 90 degree angle you cut your cfm in half, Add 15-20 ft of duct and a carbon filter and you would be lucky to feel any air movement at all. Great for the smell not so good for climate control. Step up fan and use a fan speed controller. That way you can adjust according to climate/smell...