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  1. W

    male or female or herm

    only reason i grew with bag seed is because it was/is my first time ever trying to grow...anything. we knew we would make mistakes;a lot of people even kill their plants their first time trying to grow, so why would I waste money on anything OTHER than bag seed? I've said it before, and i'll...
  2. W

    please help my lady!! / lets play guess all the problems! pics

    you should check out my latest post and let me know what you think!!
  3. W

    male or female or herm

    soo you may remember me as your typical impatient and uneducated stoner. Im back. haha. based on pictures dated in my phone, (earliest seedling @ 9/9) Im almost 2 months into veg. All are preflowering, one more so than the others. My plants still have their share of problems (now adding...
  4. W

    please help my lady!! / lets play guess all the problems! pics

    I'd like to put them into flower, and if it were just up to me(my boyfriend is also involved), I would....I also wouldnt have planted two plants in the same pot lol. I know that the pots themselves aren't overly big, so would i be correct in assuming that they aren't going to get much bigger...
  5. W

    please help my lady!! / lets play guess all the problems! pics

    thanks spliffbuddy - no, they havent been flipped to 12-12 yet, still on 18/6. kinda afraid to switch them (though i know it obviously has to be done at some point) because of the possibility of the plant to the right of 'the little girl' being male and having to attempt to remove it to prevent...
  6. W

    please help my lady!! / lets play guess all the problems! pics

    RIU!! For those of you who remember my first post ( got some news for you. And for those of you that dont, thats ok too but you maaaaayyyyy wanna pull it up for reference. BUT BASICALLY. This is my first...
  7. W

    An update with the NooB! New..ish set up, babies thriving...I think...

    sorry about the random attachment links. idk wtf happened there.
  8. W

    An update with the NooB! New..ish set up, babies thriving...I think...

    ::UPDATE:: So I/we took some of the advice given, did a little bit more researching; and have a bit of a different set up now. First and biggest issue we felt we needed to tackle was light, on the advice of...well....pretty much everyone lol. More stretching of my poor lil' babies was...
  9. W

    Best strain for first time indoor grow- 250w hps

    speaking of your sig, it should be TOO and not to....ijs.
  10. W

    N00b who actually KNOWS shes doing it wrong. Full story on FIRST grow- with pics=)

    Thanks to everyone who responded!! I appreciate the feedback...good or otherwise lol. I certainly, at this point, have zero plans of starting over. Even if all 3 turn out to be male...or even if/when(lol) all 3 die, i'm OK with it, cause as i said before, regardless of the outcome, Im chalking...
  11. W

    N00b who actually KNOWS shes doing it wrong. Full story on FIRST grow- with pics=)

    Hey:smile: Im Lauren, Im 26, and I love weed. lol So let me start off by saying, this is my first ACTUAL attempt at a grow. So please. Don't flame me, or i'll be sad lol. To the nitty gritty - I've done essentially everything wrong,I'm aware and am not hoping for great results here. Just as...