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  1. slowmo77

    First Indoor Grow (tent)

    yellowing tips could be from several things, i seen your soil bag says feeds for 6 months so i assume it has time released nutes in it already. so everytime you water you release more of the time released nutes from the soil. whats the N,P,K rating on the bag? whats your PH?
  2. slowmo77

    1st try at LST

    it depends on what your trying to do as to weather or not you'll cut it or not or tie it down again later. as it grows you'll need to tie it down again to keep the top down. i assume your trying to get multi tops from the side branches so you'll wanna keep the top lower than those branches...
  3. slowmo77

    I would like to know if i should stop using nutrients on my plant

    have you been picking leaves off the plant or something? i see a lot of nodes with no foliage. the plant needs those leaves to grow. with no leaves it can't take in the light the plant needs to grow. i've never grown in an aerogarden but that plant looks bad to be that old. do yourself a favor...
  4. slowmo77


    it's best to put it straight down but regardless of how you place it the root will find it's way.
  5. slowmo77

    EC/TDS Meter?

    i get what your sayin, thanks for your help.
  6. slowmo77

    EC/TDS Meter?

    lets see if ihave this right, the key is knowing which scale the tds meter is using. lets say my water before nutes is 100ppm then with nutes added it's 600ppm. minus the 100ppm of the plain water leaves me at 500ppm which would be 1.0ec assuming the tds meter is using the the lower scale. does...
  7. slowmo77

    EC/TDS Meter?

    Thanks, im gonna be using the Fox Farm Trio pack and growing russian rocket fuel and easy ryder. i figure my best bet would be to just follow the feeding chart they provide and check the ppm based on the amount the chart says to use to figure what my ppm is. if that makes sense. the switch from...
  8. slowmo77

    EC/TDS Meter?

    thanks it gets pretty confusing trying to find the right one, EC, TDS which one works the best?
  9. slowmo77

    EC/TDS Meter?

    Hows it going, Im looking into going to a DWC system but can't figure out which type of meter to buy to measure the ppm. Any help on this would be great. Thanks
  10. slowmo77

    Need help, plants wilting bad.....

    do you have a pic?
  11. slowmo77


    if they've been getting 15.5 hours of light a day for more than a few days they're not flowering anymore. even though they still have small buds or preflowers anything over 13 hours a day set them back into veg. i would leave the small buds it will encourage new branch growth. its like a stopper...
  12. slowmo77

    urgent! first (mostly) successful grow - most important plant going downhill fast!

    don't feed it anything else for a few days and give it a good flush. should be fine. how often do you water them? after you flush let the soil dry completely dry out before watering again
  13. slowmo77

    SLUGS ON my plant

    if its in a pot you can spray the outside of the pot with saltwater. it will keep them from crawling up the pot to the plant. DON"T spray your plant with salt water
  14. slowmo77

    my plant aka "the first lady" whats wrong??

    i have to disagree. it looks hungry to me. stress from a transplant would be slow or no growth weak branches ( kinda like you need to water) but not yellowing leaves. unless its a dif of some kind. in this case a N dif. feed it and you'll be fine
  15. slowmo77

    1 1/2 weeks flowering accedentaly 4 1/2 hours late! :( is it gunna get retarded?

    as long as it doesn't happen again you should be fine. just go on as if it never happened.
  16. slowmo77

    Best way to stake a plant?

    oh you have to ease them into the sun.. start out slow. the sun is to hot to just stick them out in it.
  17. slowmo77

    8 days old and need help

    depends on temps, humitity, and light. if your soil drains as it should, with a hps over it, with a fan blowing. mine are ready for a drink almost every morning.
  18. slowmo77

    8 days old and need help

    it can also mean the need water. any discoloration on the leaves?
  19. slowmo77

    Best way to stake a plant?

    i use string and tie it around them.. how old are theys plants that are falling over? sounds like a stretching problem..
  20. slowmo77

    S.o.s! (save Our Seedlings)

    if its over watering then just let it dry out.