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  1. slowmo77

    Leaves folding?.....cant figure out whats causing it.

    just wondering if those blue party cups have drain holes in them? i've had plants do this in the past and i never figured out what caused it. after a few sets the new growth looked fine. whats your PH? i don't think you've over fed as they're no burnt tips on new growth. thats noramlly the first...
  2. slowmo77

    No bud no smoke help please

    it looks like a sativa to me, expect a long flowering cycle.
  3. slowmo77

    HELP! Leaf tips white, then turning yellow. few brown spots on lower leaves.

    im not a hydro grower but i think 6.5 is a high PH for hydro. i think it needs to be around 5.5 but i know it's lower than 6.0
  4. slowmo77

    My leaves are curling down!! i have a pic

    it's hard to tell without seeing pics, need more info. soil type, nutes, how often you water, PH? give all the info you can plus pics
  5. slowmo77

    HELP PLEASE!! 3 week old seedlings yellowing at bottom and drooping all over!!

    try to get your PH up to around 6.5. look on ebay for a good meter you should ba able to find one for around 10 or 15 dollars. i'll post a link shortly good luck
  6. slowmo77

    Need urgent help, my budbox 12 plants are hermies

    just a few questions. what makes you think they're hermies? why have you had them in the dark for 3 days? no one can tell you how much you'll yeild without looking at your plants and even then its a wild guess. the seeds made from hermies will be more likely to be hermies them selves. hermies...
  7. slowmo77

    HELP PLEASE!! 3 week old seedlings yellowing at bottom and drooping all over!!

    if the light green new growth is what your talking about thats pretty normal, but 9 times out of 10 when you see you oldest leaves slowly turning yellow it's a lack of N. if the soil tester your using is a black box with two metal probes toss it in the trash. i bought one like that when i first...
  8. slowmo77

    HELP PLEASE!! 3 week old seedlings yellowing at bottom and drooping all over!!

    it looks to me like they're pullin (N) from the lower leaves. try giving them a 1/4 dose of food to see how they respond. the damaged leaves won't get better but if they perk up then your on the right track. not sure about the drooping it doesn't seem to be to bad. feed them and see what happens
  9. slowmo77

    Cfl question!!

    when i use cfls i like to run 2 42watt bulbs per sq ft. however if you have the space has a great deal on 400watt HPS for $99.99 with the reflector and all. you can easily spend that much on cfl's, sockets, cords and power strips. good luck
  10. slowmo77

    my first grow xD

    they're worth the money and pay for them selves in nice tight buds..
  11. slowmo77

    Young plants going awry

    '' However it could be that the roots havent grown that much out of the rockwool and as far as I know, soaking wet rockwool isnt actually the best kind of medium for a seedling.'' i would bet thats your problem combined with the early nutes. but it seems like you are looking for a certain...
  12. slowmo77

    First Indoor Grow (tent)

    you want the blue spectrum in veg and more orange red in flowering, the spectrums are 6500k for veg and 2700k in flowering. some take longer to show sex than others, give it sometime it'll show. males don't show seeds they porduce pollen sacks. you'll know it when you see it. trust me. if you...
  13. slowmo77

    Whats up Roll It Up ppl. I was a regular on another site but it seems to be havin problems, so i...

    Whats up Roll It Up ppl. I was a regular on another site but it seems to be havin problems, so i figured i'd bug you guys and gals for a while..
  14. slowmo77

    Please help me....i know this question will be easy for the roll it up world.....

    i would think that in hydro systems you would wanna check it every day and for sure after you change your res and add nutes. in a hydro system i think it should be 5.5 hope this helps
  15. slowmo77

    First Indoor Grow (tent)

    the soil your using should be fine just be easy with the water and if you decide to use it again in the future before you plant in it flush it and let it dry twice to ensure most of the nutes are rinsed out. i've done this many times in the past with miracle grow soil. it works in a pinch. Fox...
  16. slowmo77

    Newbie - Small Grow - 1st - Help Needed

    im sorry, but i think light should be based on how many sqft of grow area you have. 3000 lumens per sqft is the least you wanna have IMHO
  17. slowmo77

    my first grow xD

    here's the link 400watt HPS $99.99
  18. slowmo77

    Newbie - Small Grow - 1st - Help Needed

    with a space that small it would be hard to make two seperate areas in. air flow is pretty easy find a small bathroom fan at your local hardware store and it can be placed in the side of the box so it pulls fresh air in and keeps temp under control. you can use CFL's i would suggest 4 or 5 42...
  19. slowmo77

    my first grow xD

    so are you going with a DWC system or soil? the 20-20-20 is to strong for seedlings, cut that down to about a 5-5-5 or less before you use it and i'd wait till they are on they're 3rd 4th node before feeding anything. your lights will work for now but keep them as close as you can with out...
  20. slowmo77

    Young plants going awry

    looking at the medium you have them in a would say over watering also, it looks pretty wet to me. plants that small should be able to go two days without watering since they don't take up that much. it does also look like a light nute burn, as stated above they're to young to need nutes right...