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  1. sputniknz

    Light leaking into the flowering room while lights are off, how bad is that?

    light is light... ambient or not, sort out your light leaks asap, it can cause your plant to go hermie...... i have my plants on 18/6, lights on at 7am in the morning of at 1am..... that way the sun is always down when lights are off....
  2. sputniknz

    Thai Stick Bud harvest?

    dood u got ages to go... from what i read on here, most of your leaves will die off by he time its ready for harvest..... and your leaves still look lush green.... how old are they.
  3. sputniknz

    Need help, lots of pics...... something is wrong.

    if it was a deficiency, it would be a constant problem..... this happened all of a sudden, and now that i have checked it out it coincided with a cold snap in temps. it got all 3 plants at the same time, plants are in different soil mixes, but have the same watering routine and nute mix's...
  4. sputniknz

    low life ak47 no showing sex???

    i think the third one of my lowryders is a boy pre flowers are very small though so im gonna give a few more days..... but i cant see any hairs yet....
  5. sputniknz

    Need help, lots of pics...... something is wrong.

    yeah i have a conventional thermometer at cola level, it is consistent with the min max thermometer, so i have good temp distribution.... and no the tops arent hot at all....
  6. sputniknz

    Need help, lots of pics...... something is wrong.

    can someone tell me if it is ok to use a 400w hps bulb in a magnetic ballast that currently has a 600w hps in it?
  7. sputniknz

    Need help, lots of pics...... something is wrong.

    yeah noim not gonna add more nutrients, plants are very healthy other than the yellowing. have decided to let em dry for another 2days, i will flush then restart with nutemix..... i found that my temp last night went down to 55f so i have a thermostat plug im going to hook to a heater to keep...
  8. sputniknz

    Need help, lots of pics...... something is wrong.

    lights are atleast 12 inches away, for the shorter one (which i think is male) - it is almost 2 feet away..... plenty of reflective material.... 600whps.
  9. sputniknz

    Need help, lots of pics...... something is wrong.

    yeah i thought i had a root problem too, so i repotted into much bigger buckets about a week ago, also gave em some root blast, but i noticed when i repotted that there were not that many roots so i dont think they are root bound. i do think they were over watered so im gonna let em dry out a...
  10. sputniknz

    Need help, lots of pics...... something is wrong.

    I think i know whats going on....tell me what you think. I read this post..... and saw this pic, looks like my problem... so it says that this is caused by temperature swings, high then low.....
  11. sputniknz

    Need help, lots of pics...... something is wrong.

    im pretty sure its not n deficient, i foliar fed it for a couple of days with a slightly stronger than usual n fert.... but no change :(
  12. sputniknz

    Need help, lots of pics...... something is wrong.

    i wish i could tell you what the runnoff ph was, but my tester is fucked. i know its probably high, maybe 7.5 at worst 8. I dont have anything to measure ppm, i am low budget noob. and yes they were a bit over watered yesterday, so im not gonna water for a couple more days i think, depends how...
  13. sputniknz

    Need help, lots of pics...... something is wrong.

    Ok so here are the pics..... I dont keep a journal or calendar, but i can say that something im doing has caused this.... Recently gave the plants some epsom salts, noticed a small improvement but nothing substantial... someone showed me those posters, it looked like an iron deficiency but...
  14. sputniknz

    Please help....with pics!

    in reading the part about iron (fe) deficiencies it says.... "apply liquid chelated".... what does this mean?
  15. sputniknz

    low life ak47 no showing sex???

    update; my plants did finnally sex, 2 girls. The third plant is too young to expect sex so jury is still out on her....... but i have two girls so im stoked.
  16. sputniknz

    Please help....with pics!

    Ok you see the picture... Here is the situation. 30 days, Lowryder Auto #1, 600w HPS, temp range min=75f max=85f, humid=not sure, but about average, Lights=18/6,Soil is good quality Tui Tomato Mix with Castings and Perlite. Just gave them some epsom salts 1 week ago to correct...
  17. sputniknz

    Is it a boy???

    Ok, i have 3 plants, 1 is definately a girl, one is to young to tell..... but the thrid is why i am posting... If i could get a pic i would but what i am talking about is pretty small, and my camera aint very good... So, i see what looks like a calyx, and when i look really close i see a...
  18. sputniknz

    Autoflower not autolflowering...Help noob pls +rep for advice

    yeah still nothing..... im decided on not cutting the light for the sake of the little one.... gonna stab another bean in the ground and hope. the annoying two broke ground on the 1st of feb. the other little one broke ground on the 11th of feb.
  19. sputniknz

    Light cycle question - would it help to imitate nature?

    whats more important.... how your plant feels, or how much you plant yields?
  20. sputniknz

    Light cycle question - would it help to imitate nature?

    i have asked this before and the short answer is no. it was explained like this.... If you start with 20/4 vegging and decrease it everyday slowly you are getting less and less light daily. If you start with 20/4 and veg till your ready to flower the plant has had maximum lumens for the...