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  1. sputniknz

    Sudden problem, idk if it's potassium def, or nute burn or cold o what?

    dunno if this help but ask yourself if you.... have u got a dehumidifier? can u get some Oxygen to the roots? can u get some Co2 to the leaves? i know this sounds silly, and i am a noob 4 real, but something i done before i got my ph tester for the water was; If you live in a populated area...
  2. sputniknz

    random question . who can answer ??

    lol.... two completely different answers..... i have put my stash in a thermos before and moved overseas forgetting it was there, put my entire possesions in a shipping 20ft shipping container, six months later opened the door unpacked.... 3 months after that went to use my thermos, oh looky...
  3. sputniknz

    low life ak47 no showing sex???

    dude, i feel your pain, maybe worse for me.... all be it im not growing ak's but.... i am growing lowryders. Im 27 days now plants look stunning, but not a hint of sex..... im getting fucked of!
  4. sputniknz

    600W DWC Cabinet System - 1st Run

    i got a stiffy.....
  5. sputniknz

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    ok, so im getting that everyone thinks that autos should have shown sex by day 27, given that mine haven't what should i consider doing? Im on 18/6 light cycle. 600whps/140xCFL Whatever the suggestion, i will allow them to go through till the 30th, but if nothing by then i will take some steps...
  6. sputniknz

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    how long at the most before an auto should show sex?????? im 27 days now with lowryder #1 and no sign of sex.....frustrating
  7. sputniknz

    3 Word Story

    even funnier than... *Farting on cupcakes is funny dammit
  8. sputniknz

    3 Word Story

    Yes PS: Farting on someones cupcake frosting would be funny as, imagine watching someone eat a cupcake you just unloaded on!
  9. sputniknz

    What the fuck is up with guys getting obsessed over girls?

    Yeah no... EVERYBODY WANTS PUSSY, YES! If a man could down himself doesnt mean he would stop wanting it....CORRECT! If a man had his hands tied strapped to a chair with his head tied to with in an inch of his nob but not close enough....tell me, what do you think he would be thinking about...
  10. sputniknz

    3 Word Story

    when i fart
  11. sputniknz

    national health awesome!

    The doctors diagnosis is based on medical findings with the child during examinations...... if the baby kicked during examinations this would be filed. If it was my kid i would be doing exactly the same as they are, but that doesn't mean im right. The child probably IS past the "point of no...
  12. sputniknz

    What the fuck is up with guys getting obsessed over girls?

    couldnt you shorten it or simplify.... its a fuckin mess to read, but other than that i still refer to my previous post.
  13. sputniknz

    What the fuck is up with guys getting obsessed over girls?

    I didnt read this... but to answer your question as to why guys are obsessive... simple... "can you suck your own nob?"
  14. sputniknz

    Is this any good for getting rid of smells???

    Ionic Pro Air Purifier Excellent Condition A silent, safe, and easy to use air purifier to clean the air inside your home. * Traps airborne allergens like pollen, smoke, dust, and pet dander * Traps particles as small as 1 micron * Energy efficient and inexpensive to operate...
  15. sputniknz

    That Song That Gets Your Fists Clenched!

    I hate all homeboy sounds.... fuk dat nigga dis, fuk dis nigga dat...... blah blah blah, gimme lyrics and a guitar backed by drums any day of the week!!!
  16. sputniknz

    i know im going to get alot of positive feed back for this...

    I have a question, at most how long should it take for a lowryder #1 auto to show sex? 600wHPS/140wCFL - Has been under these lights since it popped out of the ground WormCastings/Perlite/TuiTomatoMix - 30%/15%/55% Organic Nutrients its been 27 days since it popped out of the ground.... and...
  17. sputniknz

    Death To Mubarak!

    And i didn't say "western" plots.... i said corporatocracy..... there is a difference. Just to note, without implying you have said something you haven't; Just because western governments sell arms to a nation doesn't mean that nation is innocent if bad intentions.
  18. sputniknz

    Death To Mubarak!

    thats not what i said, i said they dont have the power to control it...... there is a difference, and as for governing yourself, well how can you if your goverment does not want it? you make a good point with regard to the clip though, and as i said it is only a hypothetical...