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  1. sputniknz

    hermies?? help please

  2. sputniknz

    A question about mirrors

    ive been wondering this myself.... is this the case with all mirrors??... ie. silver backed?.... or can you get mirrors that do work?
  3. sputniknz

    Under-watering?? HELP!

    how long did they go without water?..... sounds like they should be fine if they were only droopy....
  4. sputniknz

    Nitrogen alternatives

    would cow poo be alright?
  5. sputniknz

    Nitrogen alternatives

    Ok so i know that you can use: Coffee grounds - But they are acidic and affect the Ph levels Urine - But i cant bare the thought Anybody know of any other, round the house, alternatives for N?
  6. sputniknz

    How do i get more nitrogen??

    Dont coffee grounds have bad effects on ph level? They are very acidic aren't they?
  7. sputniknz

    Autoflower not autolflowering...Help noob pls +rep for advice

    check this... the little dwarf showed sex today... its about one third the size of the others and almost a week and a half younger. It is in the same space as the other 2, it looks completely different from the other ones..... i wish the other ones would make up there mind.... their size implies...
  8. sputniknz

    Autoflower not autolflowering...Help noob pls +rep for advice

    yep pretty much, except for a couple of things. Yes, i admit growing conditions werent perfect, but these plants are growing like crazy.... Yes i admit there were hickups, stretching at the beggining and higher temps.... but they were sorted. Like i said i have excessive growth, new branches...
  9. sputniknz

    Easiest autoflower to grow?

    stay away from lowryder.... if you get what i got your in for a terrible journey. My plants are 30 days now and havent auto'd. I officially hate lowryders, unless they do me the honour of repaying my time and effort, but alas no sign of that happening.
  10. sputniknz

    Autoflower not autolflowering...Help noob pls +rep for advice

    ok so its now 30 days, and still no sign of sex. 2 things have happened. I had alot of new growth under the big fan leaves, the leaves underneath the fan leaves looked like they werent getting all the light the wanted, appearing stunted. So, off with the fan leaves, i know its a no no to...
  11. sputniknz

    Sudden problem, idk if it's potassium def, or nute burn or cold o what?

    Hey, dont shoot the noob, i said it was noob advice. Im saying i used it, and they didnt NOT like it. I also had a candle burning, it seemed like they liked it. As for reading about it, just what i read on here, like i said noob. And most of what i read suggested the jury was still out. I...
  12. sputniknz

    Death To Mubarak!

    And there you have it..... the U.S. connection!!!!!
  13. sputniknz

    2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

    how the f**k can yours have shown sex so early.... im 30 days and still no sex.....ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. sputniknz

    3 Word Story

    nuts on bread...
  15. sputniknz

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    ok so i tried to take some photos but couldnt get the close ups ill post em any way... see if u can make anything of it...
  16. sputniknz

    First grow, how do I deal with all these plants?

    man your onto something with that heaps of branches starting aye
  17. sputniknz

    Seeds, Dirt And Water Cheapest Growing

    youll do well to get a skewer, long and thin... and poke some holes in the ground to air it out, helps with gas exchange, the soil looks cakey....dont know that they would survive a transplant, and probably a bit late for that, if you can give one a dose of nutes and see if it burn, make it...
  18. sputniknz

    Seeds, Dirt And Water Cheapest Growing

    theyre awesome..... put em in your window....who knows, as far as costing anything your window ledge is free... they are real stretched though, after 47 days they should be lots bigger.
  19. sputniknz

    random question . who can answer ??

    no idea what brrand.... but god bless it :)
  20. sputniknz

    Sudden problem, idk if it's potassium def, or nute burn or cold o what?

    after finding my Ph was a bit high i found that using ordinary vinegar you can bump it more acidic and by adding baking soda you can go more alkaline. i read that you dont spray the leaves with it when you add baking soda or vingar as this clogs up some type of pore on the surface of the leaf...