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    Blackberry Kush question????

    I have 2 blackberry clones that I just planted outside in the backyard. I amended the soil and have been feeding them and they are just starting to respond. My question is how much bud should I expect to get from the plants growing outside? Is a pound too much to expect?
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    Flowering/growing issues

    if u want it to continue the vegetative stage put it under 18 hours light. if u want it to finish flowering keep it at 12/12.
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    Should I cut off sucker leaves during flowering?

    I planted my seeds to early and now they are starting to flower. It is in a 5 gallon pot outside and I will bring it in for 12 hours of darkness. Since I am trying to flower should I cut off all of the sucker leaves that are not going to produce buds? Any advice would be great
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    Why are my plants flowering already??

    I live in so cal and in late january i planted a single kush seed. It has grown to about 2 feet tall and real bushy. I think it is flowering cuz i see heads with little hairs on them. Is it a girl and will she go back to vegetative growth if I leave her outside? I can leave her outside until...
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    Operation Overgrow

    im in so cal and I will do my part. I didnt even realize 4-20 was almost here. I will wait to transplant until monday cuz it should be luckier for me
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    Too much Fertilizer?

    ya I will wait until they are at least a few feet tall. I heard that to about the blood meal so I put little mesh fences around them to keep out all the critters. 3 days after adding the bloodmeal they all noticibly greened up. I just have to relax and learn as much as i can. Its my first grow...
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    Too much Fertilizer?

    there only about 6 inches tall. I was going to wait until they get a foot tall before I start adding the fish emulsion. I just dont know if that is too much
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    Too much Fertilizer?

    I have just planted two plants in the ground with a handful of bloodmeal mixed in the hole. I also fertilize 1/2 strength miricle gro 18-18-21 tomato food once weekly. Would it be to much if I also added a little fish emulsion? I want them to be healthy without over fertilizing. Please help
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    Should I use bloodmeal?

    I bought bloodmeal and i wonder how much to use per hole. each hole holds about 7 gallons of dirt. Should I mix a handful in each hole? Please help!!!!! I am planting in 2 days and any info would help. Is bloodmeal a good product and what does it do? Thank u
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    Mist Clones Outside??

    Im getting ready to take them outdoors to transplant next week. I figured it would be good to keep them in the shade to harden them off. They r moist and not too wet. Im less concerned now because its been 2 days outside and only one is drooping very slightly. I will just keep them there for a...
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    Yellowing young plants help!!!

    I have 10 plants that are one month old. They are in small pots with supersoil and I will transplant them next week into the ground. The only thing that I fed them is once a week miracle gro 18-18-21 at 1/4 strength. Do i need to use more or less fertilizer. Please help I dint want to lose them
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    Yellowing 3 week old plants

    ya thats why the fertilizer is 18-18-21. very close to all purpose mix. Thats what I heard is good for the vegetative stage. I heard that when it starts to flower switch to a flowering fertilizer. Should I boost the fertilzer to 1/2 strength or instead of feeding once a week go twice a week?
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    Mist Clones Outside??

    im in so cal n they have been in the shade for 2 days now. A couple have wilted from too much sun so i had to put them all the way into the shade. They seem to be doing ok except one drooping out of 12. I just dont know how long to leave them in the shade. Should it be for about a week? I will...
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    Yellowing 3 week old plants

    I am using miracle gro 18-18-21 tomato food cuz I read marajuana is grown similar to tomatoes. I was going to switch to bloom booster when they start to flower. Does that sound cool? There are so many different nutes is the problem.
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    Mist Clones Outside??

    do u know from experience? I dont want to practice on these plants. I only want to mist them if someone has tried this technique before. I am afraid if I mist them in the shade they may get some sort of fungus. I may be overanalyzing but what can u expect im a weedsmoker! lol
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    Good vegetative fertilizer for outdoors

    my soil is supersoil. It is sterilized and very good. I just want to know if I need to fertilize the plants more or if a slight yellow tint is ok as long as they look healthy. Are some strains greener than others is basically my question??
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    Yellowing 3 week old plants

    thanks for the info
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    Good vegetative fertilizer for outdoors

    I am using miricle gro 18-18-21. they are only 3 weeks old and look healthy but a little yellow tintt. I am fertilizing once a week with 1/4 strength. Is that enough fert or should I use something else?
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    Yellowing 3 week old plants

    why not? Is there something u can recommend?
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    Outdoor Master Kush Yield?

    I just got a few master kush clones and I am gonna plant them in the ground. I wanted to know how much should each plant produce? Is 8 ounces too much to expect?