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  1. countrygirl

    what do you think about the purple?

    hmmmm, everything I have read says use 6.5 to water, before I got my PH pen I was watering with 7 or a little higher and I had all kinds of problems. I have dolomite in my soil. I tried to rep you but it says I have to spread it around lol. I'll catch you later on with the rep. ;)
  2. countrygirl

    what do you think about the purple?

    I will look into the P and K thanks for the advice. still would like more peeps to chime in. The purple edges are only on the leaves around the buds, the rest of the leaves are green to light green and most of the big fan leaves have dropped off in the last week.
  3. countrygirl

    what do you think about the purple?

    Thanks, I think I had nute lock about 2 weeks ago. I flushed and foliar fed with 4-10-7 (has .5 Mg) and FF Big Bloom plus Molasses in the regular watering. It is drinking very slow. The last feed was 5 days ago (4-10-7 & BB) ph 6.5 run off 5.8, temps 77 lights on 70 lights off and humidity 35%...
  4. countrygirl

    what do you think about the purple?

    anyone out there? Comments?? I would like your input please.
  5. countrygirl

    what do you think about the purple?

    The purple edges seem different than any pics I have found online. It's not due to cold temps, I know that.
  6. countrygirl

    Nute deficiency or nute lock?

    Someone take a look please. I'm open to all comments.
  7. countrygirl

    Nute deficiency or nute lock?

    Tomorrow will be 5 weeks in flower. Do you think it will make it to harvest? The purple edges started maybe a week ago. higher N didn't work, ph is good, temps are good, I didn't try the epsom salt 1: because I didn't have any 2: because I didn't see the resemblance in leaf damage to pics I...
  8. countrygirl

    First Grow: Are My Girls Looking, Okay?

    I have flushed and not flushed at end of harvest and imo (with MG soil) flushing was the way to go. Made a huge dif in the smoke and the ash.
  9. countrygirl

    First Grow: Are My Girls Looking, Okay?

    Don't let it soak any run off back up in the soil. I am talking about MG soil only, I don't know about the other kinds. It says on the bag not to, so I assume it's because of the nutes in the soil. Once I found this and applied it, things got much better. I use the run off water to water all my...
  10. countrygirl

    Nute deficiency or nute lock?

    I can't get out to get cal/mag so I'm wondering if foliar feeding with my nutes that have .5% mag would help until I get to town.
  11. countrygirl

    Nute deficiency or nute lock?

    OH! That makes much more sense. So, if the nutes dropped your PH too low you could use a higher ph water to adjust maybe? If I fix the cal/mag, that will allow the plant to take in N? I really am trying to understand all this so I can apply it properly. Thanks to all for the input.
  12. countrygirl

    Nute deficiency or nute lock?

    One thing I have been working on is my PH. I thought I had it all figured out and I read on a thread today to PH BEFORE nutes not AFTER adding them???? OMG If that's the case no wonder I'm struggling.
  13. countrygirl

    Nute deficiency or nute lock?

    The first 6 weeks have always been awesome, my problems start at 2 to 4 weeks into flower. I have tried peoples advice but it seems it happened even earlier this time. I have a plant 2 weeks behind this one and it is still green and lovely, if I don't get this straitened out I know it will do...
  14. countrygirl

    Nute deficiency or nute lock?

    Thanks! I did get the 4-10-7 Dr Earth Premium Organic Bud Bloom Booster. I already have the Big Bloom. I tried the Tiger Bloom a few times last year and I didn't like it. I gave a plant I have in veg a 1/2 dose of Dr Earths all purpose 3-3-3 and 1/2 dose of Big Bloom and my plant LOVED it.
  15. countrygirl

    5th week of flower need help!

    I have been told over and over to PH after nutes and then see the opposite. I am so confused. The nutes lower the PH quite a bit, right? Sorry I posted without helping, having issues myself.
  16. countrygirl

    Nute deficiency or nute lock?

    what is your opinion on NPK? I'm looking at 4-10-7 or 5-7-3 for flowering. I hope I get a quick response, my husband will be calling me any minute to find out what I decided on lol
  17. countrygirl

    Nute deficiency or nute lock?

    I started it out in MG through veg and re potted 1 week before flower in an organic pro mix. I started with Big Bloom only at the flip (1/4 strength, now up to half strength) last couple feedings I added 1 tbs of molasses and the last feeding I added a 6-9-6 (1/2 dose) 5 days ago. The run off is...
  18. countrygirl

    Nute deficiency or nute lock?

    This is my problem. 3 weeks in flower, they started getting lighter last week but this morning I found this new damage. The last pic was 2 weeks ago.
  19. countrygirl

    Nute deficiency or nute lock?

    If I understand right, If water/feedings are always PH 6.5 (in soil) then problems must be deficiency or nute lock, correct? My question is how do you decide which it is?
  20. countrygirl

    End 2010 with my best "blond moment"

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA not the same plants in there for 17 months! But it does take about 7 weeks to see any signs of maturity when on 16/8. hahaha 16/8! I still can't believe it.