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  1. countrygirl

    Help seeds

    I have found from experience with hermies (about the only thing I have plenty of experience with) that you can spend hours every day looking and plucking and you really can't get them all. With that said I still do not chop them down. The pollination seems to be minimal and if you aren't selling...
  2. countrygirl

    opinions please

    I have a ph 600 "pen" meter and both the collaboration solutions. My water is around 8 so I have been lowering it to 7, the run off still comes out high 5's. OH yea, I added more perlite to the soil And added some dolomite to a couple of them to see the difference. So if it is lock out adding...
  3. countrygirl

    opinions please

    here they are before the switch to 12/12 They are in MG soil so I hadn't gave them anything until the swtch to 12/12 then I gave them 1/4 dose of FF Big Bloom. Also I am PHing the water this time around. The PH and the Big Bloom are the only changes I made, 4 previouse grows were all MG soil...
  4. countrygirl

    opinions please

    The 4 small plants have been in flower for 5 days. The first 2 pics, leaves are ruffely and want to droop As for the little ones, Do they need a little N maybe? The new groth seems too light but the older leaves are not yellowing at all.What do you think of my clone?2 weeks in flowerone last pic...
  5. countrygirl

    I think I've been trying too hard!

    OK, check this out. I tossed this girl out last week because she stretched more than I wanted. I even messed with the root ball and left it exposed to temps in the 20f range. I had forgotten about it until last night, it is still alive! No water,no light, no warmth and 100% humidity... go figure
  6. countrygirl

    Can someone diagnose this leaf damage please?

    When I harvested her I only took the top 2/3 and left the bottom for another week because it was nice and green and looked like it could use more time. In that week all the leaves started turning purple! Any hoo the bud is killer so I'm happy. I am changing things a bit this grow, decided to do...
  7. countrygirl

    Can someone diagnose this leaf damage please?

    I had read this and then couldn't find it again, thanks for the link. BTW I have that purple plant curing and OMG! It is the best I've grown so far. I have been using seeds from old bags to get some grows under my belt so I have no idea what to expect. I wonder if purple is always a deficiency.
  8. countrygirl

    Finally, PH'd... Now What?

    Thanks, I like simple. ;)
  9. countrygirl

    A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?

    Thank you! Thank you! I think I get it now:) I was just about to give up on this forum thingy, you rock!
  10. countrygirl

    ATTN: ANYONE/EVERYONE How does this look?

    I agree! I joined this group hoping that talking to real people would be of great help after searching and reading for a year and getting so many different answers... sigh... back to google I guess.
  11. countrygirl

    Finally, PH'd... Now What?

    Finally got my PH pen and tested for the first time. Well water: 7.7., added FF Big Bloom (1/2 dose) and adjusted PH to 7.0, soil 6.4 and the run off tested 5.5... What do I do with this info? LOL
  12. countrygirl

    Can someone diagnose this leaf damage please?

    Thanks Dicky Here is my purple plant. It started turning purple right after I switched to flower, I didn't do anything about it and just let it run it's course. Actually it is the best smelling bud so far in my grows. What do you think? What should I do if this happens again?
  13. countrygirl

    Can someone diagnose this leaf damage please?

    That doesn't exactly make my day :( I am not a young whipper snapper like you (obviously) but I assure you I am not a man. LOL I would post a pic of my face but I don't think I could take the beating... I shall go now to my facebook and share my broken heart with my girl friends, they will cheer...
  14. countrygirl

    Can someone diagnose this leaf damage please?

    That is great news. This is my last practice grow before I try my good seeds, almost postponed it again due to this issue. I shall carry on! wait! Now that I have your attention, hang tight for a few I have another (much more interesting) issue I have been embarrassed to share LOL
  15. countrygirl

    Can someone diagnose this leaf damage please?

    Thanks, I just tried washing it, it doesn't come off.
  16. countrygirl

    Can someone diagnose this leaf damage please?

    No, I don't think so... here is the whole plant.
  17. countrygirl

    Can someone diagnose this leaf damage please?

    I am now using 4 40 watt full spectrum, color temp 5000 k and 2 wide spectrum plant/aquarium 40 watt, have no idea the color temp. Up until 2 days ago or so I was using all six of the plant/aquarium bulbs. I read a thread in here about lighting that suggested I was using the wrong spectrum...
  18. countrygirl

    Can someone diagnose this leaf damage please?

    This is the worst leaf. There are no signs of critters. 33 days from seed. They have only been indoors, 75 degrees, humidity 55, under fluorescence. I haven't been able to ph properly yet, hopefully later today. It isn't spreading, it seems that the areas that are affected were "born" that way...
  19. countrygirl

    Can someone diagnose this leaf damage please?

    I have searched and searched, can you help me? :wall: