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  1. countrygirl

    A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?

    Thanks for the input. Do you have an opinion on the nutes as far as working with MG? Simpler the better for me. I have some 4 weeks from seed, I was thinking very light Big Bloom but been afraid to try it. I tried it on 6 week old (practice) clones the last watering and I don't see anything...
  2. countrygirl

    New to forums, 5th Grow

    here are my little ones, about 4 weeks old from seed. Can anyone identify the discoloring of the leaf?
  3. countrygirl

    A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?

    Here are 2 6ft hermies sharing one five gallon pot of MG. MG and well water, that's it, nothing else. Not very pretty (battled bugs and severe heat stress first few weeks in flower) but I am not complaining it smells wonderful! They were started from seeds straight in the MG soil, I even forgot...
  4. countrygirl

    New to forums, 5th Grow

    I seem to end up with no leaves at all left at the end of flower and I do not pull any off, I let them drop on their own. I took pics of the ones I have almost ready but they aint purty like what I see other people post.
  5. countrygirl

    New to forums, 5th Grow

    I'm using fluorescent for veg. I checked them and they are wide spectrum, from what I've read they are the wrong ones.
  6. countrygirl

    A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?

    OH GOOD GRIEF! Color me embarassed. Thank you
  7. countrygirl

    New to forums, 5th Grow

    Hey thanks! I've been doing this on my own by trial and error, I am growing for my own meds only, which I feel I have done successfully despite all the issues I have trying to keep them beautiful LOL. I have done my reading so I will loose some people right now... I am using MG and you can't...
  8. countrygirl

    A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?

    hehehe, I meant threads that would have good info on growing with MG. See? My pot works just fine. ~stoned~ Now I have to go read the thread on how to add quotes to replies ;)
  9. countrygirl

    A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?

    I was hoping to learn by watching this grow. I am on my 5th MG grow, I may or may not do better in something else but this is what I'm doing and I have ran into lots of problems throughout each grow but all of them were me I'm sure. Any who, with that being said every seed I have sprouted has...
  10. countrygirl

    A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?

    I am sorry to hear that, I joined the forum to follow this thread. I am a couple weeks behind you with my 5th grow. I thought I had hit the jack pot to be able to watch your grow move along and see what you do for issues that arise. I do feel that from my little experience I need a bit of extra...
  11. countrygirl

    New to forums, 5th Grow

    Hello everyone, I have a crick in my neck and back from sitting at this computer for the last 2 days solid soaking up all this great info. I don't know how much anyone wants to know about me so I will keep it short. Peace