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  1. S

    Plant problem... top leaves 'drooping', curling downward like 'claws'... help!

    My plants have seemed progressively 'droopier' the last few days. At first it was only during the dark part of the cycle but now its most the day. My plants are GDP and are 2 weeks into flower. Temperature has been a bit erratic recently, dropping to around 60 during the dark part of the...
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    Plants 'drooping' during dark period... normal?

    Ah, okay, that makes me feel better. Random side question... I just did some rearranging in the room, took about 2 hours... and I had the room light (not the grow lights, just the little CFL bulb) on while I did it so I could see what I was doing. Is there any chance this could hurt the...
  3. S

    Plants 'drooping' during dark period... normal?

    For wha its worth, the pH in the reservoir is 5.75 at 1300 ppm. Temp has been steady between 65 (lights off) and 75 (lights on) the last few days. A few days prior than that it was getting kinda cold... got as low as 58 degrees, but for the last 3-4 the plants have gotten ideal temps.
  4. S

    Plants 'drooping' during dark period... normal?

    I noticed a few days ago that my plants get pretty 'droopy' during the dark period. They perk up big time during the day cycle though. Is this normal, or an indication of too little water/nutrients/other?
  5. S

    Cola trimming/leaf trimming/lolli-popping questions

    is that pretty much the consensus? the one guy who replied to my thread on weedtracker said the same thing. if so, i'll just stick to trimming leaves and colas that are below the halfway point on the plant, and any that are obscured tot he point they don't get light. what about leaves from...
  6. S

    Cola trimming/leaf trimming/lolli-popping questions

    Okay, so I'm growing about 70 Grandaddy Purple clones right now. They just started flower 3 days ago. The plants are between 8" and 2 feet tall (they came at various ages when I got them so some are pretty far ahead of the others). In one tray I have the younger ones in an almost SOG grow...
  7. S

    Transplanted clones into grow cubes... most still 'limp' after 36 hours, help!

    anyone? my plants look like they need an ambulance :(
  8. S

    Transplanted clones into grow cubes... most still 'limp' after 36 hours, help!

    So, getting a little worried about the girls. I took in a batch of Grand Daddy Purple clones on Sunday evening. They came in a bag, just the plants with roots hanging out. So over the next 4 hours I feverishly 'edited' my 6" grow cubes by cutting holes in them, dragging roots through...
  9. S

    California Growers Exemptions...

    ... so whats the deal with these? They seem much harder to find info on than standard patient cards (which makes sense). I was of the understanding that if you get one, you're allowed 99 plants (with some limitations on the area of the grow area and/or canopy). Is there a list of places you...
  10. S

    LED lighting for flowering?

    anyone have any of these comparisons? if it can be done 'right' and come close, it would not only save me hundreds on power and keep my plants at a happier temp, but it also gratly decreases the chance you get caught... i would think anyway.
  11. S

    LED lighting for flowering?

    CFLs huh... how do they compare to HPS and LEDs, in terms of yield, quality and efficiency? Are you just atlking about over-the counter setups? Sounds like LEDs are not the way to go... any more experience would be good to hear of course either way.
  12. S

    LED lighting for flowering?

    anyone? is the 'the light doesn't penetrate enough/isn't the right spectrum' stuff true or not?
  13. S

    LED lighting for flowering?

    Just finishing up my first grow, using a 4x4 tray and a 1000W HPS light. It worked well but it creates a TON of heat and uses tons of energy. We used an LED for the veg and it worked well. I was under the impression LEDs are only really used for veg, but some have told me you can use em for...
  14. S

    Yellow spots on leaves... what are they telling me?

    Haha, well... so 6" grow cubes... triple that volume and maybe a gallon? So a gallon of really dilute N-P-K plus some epsom salt... once a day? Twice a day?
  15. S

    Yellow spots on leaves... what are they telling me?

    1. you say 'mild'... how mild? And flush it with that... is that the 'run the rockwool through with a ton of fluid until the runoff changes color' emergency procedure int he bible? Or just use a really diluted feeding solution for a while? 2. Should I alter the twice nightly 8 minute...
  16. S

    Yellow spots on leaves... what are they telling me?

    I did add a couple tbsps of epsom salt to the reservoir (25-30gal)... should I add more?
  17. S

    Yellow spots on leaves... what are they telling me?

    Well, we ahd that problem (and its still present on a few of the plants, both sativas and indicas... but it has mostly gone away). But the yellowing 'm talking about is the spotting, which i think is traced to a P or K deficiency, or like i said in the earlier posts a light burn and/or lack...
  18. S

    Yellow spots on leaves... what are they telling me?

    Crap, don't like the sound of that. They've been indoors though, the entire time. Wouldn't it be strange if the parasites were only attacking the sativas? And only in the top/exposed leaves?