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  1. S

    Yellow spots on leaves... what are they telling me?

    Thanks man... here's another pic of the ak47 (the last survivor) showing hwo the spotting is occuring on primarily one side. This only really happened on this one plant, so I'm not sure if it tells you anything... but its definitely weird. Because something like this would seem to indicate a...
  2. S

    Yellow spots on leaves... what are they telling me?

    Twice a night for 6 or 7 minutes :shrug: The indicas eat it right up. But maybe, I'll try to remove them for the first water for a few days to see if it helps.
  3. S

    Yellow spots on leaves... what are they telling me?

    green... they look pretty much the same as any pot plant i've ever seen, and same as the indicas. i'llt ry to get a pic in the morning. i did notice that on one sour og, the spots were almost entirely concentrated one half the plant. figuring maybet hat means its a light and/or ventilation...
  4. S

    Yellow spots on leaves... what are they telling me?

    Seeing some yellow spotting on the top leaves of my satives (not the ones i tossed a week ago). Grow bible says add more P... but the nutrient mix already has a pretty good amount of it in there. pH is still 6.5ish. How much should I add (volume and concentration)? Should I add it directly...
  5. S

    spider mite advice

    any luck using ladybugs?
  6. S

    AK47... more problems... are these male? Hermie?

    I'll keep an eye out, maybe take a bunch more pictures and let you see since I dno't really know what I'm looking for. But no, I don't see anything that 'definitively' looks like a seed... and i think i may be overanalyzing it to some degree.
  7. S

    AK47... more problems... are these male? Hermie?

    nutes - i used sensibloom a&b, big bud, adn sensizyme, all about 1/2 the recommended strength, for the first 3 weeks of flower (we're in week 3). this is what the grow bibles and this forum instructed. i have a ph meter, runoff ph has been ~6.5 the whole time i just got rid of all the foil on...
  8. S

    AK47... more problems... are these male? Hermie?

    i'm thinkign hermie... :-/
  9. S

    AK47... more problems... are these male? Hermie?

    grr blurrier than i thought hold on
  10. S

    AK47... more problems... are these male? Hermie?

    Okay. Can you tell the sex from those photos? Whats the best way to get the algae out? Just scrape it off/remove the rockwool? Or cover the rockwell surface with something opaque so no light gets in?
  11. S

    AK47... more problems... are these male? Hermie?

    Alright, I'll take allt he harsh criticism you can give me, but i do need to learn from this and do better. 1) In my last thread, several people saw the algae on the rockwool and said it wasn't a big deal. This makes sense to me... I don't mind if there is algae on the top of the rockwool...
  12. S

    AK47... more problems... are these male? Hermie?

    Apologies, these are the best pics I could find. I posted a few weeks ago, was having some problems with some of my crop. My indicas (818budha) are my sour og sativas are doing okay (great, as far as i can tell)... flowering up beautilfully. However, my 6 ak47s are havin ga rough time. 3...
  13. S

    AK47 plants struggling (others doing great)... nutes? light schedule? other?

    Typically lights on: 8pm Water 1: 8:10-15pm Water 2: 2:10-15pm Lights out: 8am For a while those times could fluctuate about half an hour each way (it was basically whenever I got up), except for last weekend wherethe timer wasn't set up correctly and was on from 6pm-1pm the next day (long...
  14. S

    AK47 plants struggling (others doing great)... nutes? light schedule? other?

    Really? In those pictures the rockwool is dry.. it hasn't been watered since last night (roughly 14 hours before the picture was taken). I had been following a twice daily, so the tray up to about 2/3 the way to the first/lowest 'step' on the outside... where i'd let the pump run for ~5-10...
  15. S

    AK47 plants struggling (others doing great)... nutes? light schedule? other?

    In the middle of my first grow right now... about 4 weeks in. Did a 2 week veg (~15-16 hours a day) and am 2 weeks into 12/12. I have a basic ebb/flow setup, with a 4x4 tray under a 1000W HPS light. My other strains are doing well... I have sour OG, 818-B, and a few others that are...