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  1. S

    T5 - HO (54W) or VHO (96W)? 3000K or 6500K? Can you mix and match bulbs?

    I recently ordered a set of new spectralux bulbs for my T5. I had two of the originals and 2 of the new ones on there. The original bulbs lasted almost 2 years of moderate use, plus survived several cross state moves and lots of general abuse. The new ones have only been in use for about a...
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    Leaves seem to be disintegrating, leaving a 'skeleton' behind.

    Plants look otherwise healthy but there are a few leaves like that in the attahced picture. As you can see, the leaf seems to be 'disintegrating' (not sure what the perfect word for it is). Its mostly on newer growth. Species is unknown.. transplanted recently from cuttings to...
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    New leaves growing 'bubbly', singular, twisted, and concave down

    yeah, i calibrate them regularly and both are pretty much new. i finally have a pH meter i like, actually... took a while (and some $) to find one
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    New leaves growing 'bubbly', singular, twisted, and concave down

    ... if that all makes sense :) If not, see pictures (apologies for the cell phone pics, my good camera is down while I track down its charger). Strain: Pre-98 Bubba Age: 3-4 weeks into veg Light schedule: 18/6 Medium: Clones in 3" rockwool cubes, surrounded by hydroton, in 6" round mesh pots...
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    Want to Fimm and/or Top My Clones. Pics Tell Me Where to Cut

    oh you're my hero. mspaint for the win.
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    Want to Fimm and/or Top My Clones. Pics Tell Me Where to Cut

    anyone? about to bust out hte shears... don't want to kill things...
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    Want to Fimm and/or Top My Clones. Pics Tell Me Where to Cut

    I did. Its tough to get started on the 4000 pages of those how to threads though. My plants look slightly different than the ones in Uncle Ben's thread... can anyone explain (or confirm) where I shoudl do the topping and/or fimming on these plants?
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    What Do I Need to Root Cuttings that have been Topped?

    I'm going to top 6 or 7 plants in the coming days, and have been told its possible to keep the top cutting as a viable clone itself. I don't have a cloner or anything... what kind of basic setup would I need to get them to root? I'm assuming some sort of rooting hormone would be recommended.
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    Want to Fimm and/or Top My Clones. Pics Tell Me Where to Cut

    the other reason topping seems like a good idea for the tall ones is that I want an even canopy, and the gap between the tall ones and not-as-tall ones seems like it'll just get bigger. Plus... whatever I cut off should be pretty close size-wise to whats left, so in theory I might have 6 or 7...
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    Want to Fimm and/or Top My Clones. Pics Tell Me Where to Cut

    I have a bunch of Bubba clones which have been in my room 2 weeks (probably 4 weeks old total), still in 20/4 veg and will be for a while. Most of the Bubbas look likev this: Short (4-5"), stocky and bushy, etc. 6 or 7 look like this: 7-8" tall, not as bushy, generally healthier. I...
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    Where did My Reservoir Water Go?

    :lol: thats hilarious... not to mention useful for the future. better than finding that there's a small underground lake under my shed, thanks haha
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    Where did My Reservoir Water Go?

    So my reservoir (100gal) had dropped some in the last few days, and I had decided to top it off. I have a hose running from a spigot outside my house, under the ground and into a shed where I have my room. I recently purchased an inexpensive filter that connects (...
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    Growing with Hydroton for First Time: How to Prop Clones in, Watering Questions, Etc.

    thanks, very helpful. i have an ebb and flow system. water pump fills the tray til it reaches a set fill level, sits there a little while, and then drains.
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    Growing with Hydroton for First Time: How to Prop Clones in, Watering Questions, Etc.

    So I got tired of rockwool... had some issues with root rot, keeping the pH in its happy zone was an issue, lots of algae and some rootzone humidity/overwatering issues. Am planning on using hydroton in 6" circular grow pots this tme and had a few questions. On the advice of those here, I did...
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    Do You Need to Rinse/Scrub Hydroton Before Using It?

    will a soaking/rinse with a hose do the job or is an actual scrub required?
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    Do You Need to Rinse/Scrub Hydroton Before Using It?

    My brother told me yesterday that you need to rinse and scrub hydroton prior to use... is that true? If so... what does that do for you? Seems like a gigantic pain if so, and would like to avoid it if its unnecessary?