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  1. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Been a few weeks and I thought I would throw out an update for anyone interested, if nothing else is serves as a good record for myself in the future. :-D I now have 3 fresh trays of cased spawn in my FC and they are all pinning wonderfully! I can't wait to see how they produced. My first...
  2. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Ok so last night I had one of the most profound experiences on mushrooms. I chopped up roughly 6g of mushrooms and made a cup of tea which I have never done before. Long story short I have never tripped that hard on mushrooms, the closest I have ever been to being that fucked up was the first...
  3. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    I was thinking about that, these are the jars I did my g2g with the last time. Will see how things go but the growth on this batch looks even better than the batch it came from. Lol
  4. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    I think it's safe to say this jar is 100% colonized! Lol I have two others the same size that look the same, and nine others not far behind these. Lots of mushies on the way soon! Determined to get my casing down to a science!
  5. MJG420

    First outdoor grow!

    So I ended up putting all my girls in the ground a couple weeks ago and things are not liking so great...I lost the Pit Bull and all the others(with the exception of the white Berry) look like shit and have strange growth going on. Is there any chance of recovery or am i doomed to start over fresh?
  6. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Well I finally got out to the woods this weekend with a decent dose of mushrooms and had a pretty good time! Only ended up with about 4 grams which provided a nice trip but could have taken another gram or two to fully get off. Still have more growing and will be starting a few more casings...
  7. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Took these pics last night, hoping to be picking some either tonight after work or tomorrow afternoon. Seems like the mushies ate enjoying the warm weather as well, they have exploded inthe past couple days! I am going to attempt to dry them out as quickly as possible for the weekend, been...
  8. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Sounds so much simpler!
  9. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Yeah what you guys are describing is about exactly what happened. Nice little body high, on the downside they kept me up all damn night! Was very surprised and can't wait to try a full dose!
  10. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Well I said to hell with it and picked the biggest mushies I had and downed em! Only ended up with about 4g of mini shrooms will report back later and let everyone know how it goes but not expecting much.
  11. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Interesting, getting ready to go see if I can pick a handful of pins to give em a try. I look forward to the challenge and will for sure be coming to you for advice on how to start my agar.
  12. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Thinking after this crop I will be use to slow! These things seem to be taking forever to mature! Lmao. Im guesing the PES Hawaiian strain I am growing is a derivative of the PE?
  13. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    I plan to grow the penis envy(aka PE) in the very near future now that I have the basics down, almost got them when I ordered my spores in the first place. I have also been looking at getting into the agar side of things as well and would love to take you up on your offer of a print or two to...
  14. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    That is interesting to know! I figured they did not become physchoactive until they were a decent size. Might pick a small handful today to try out, but more than likely will just wait for next weekend.
  15. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Also curious if I could maybe pick a small handful of the Bigger ones to test em out. Are they to small to have any off the good stuff yet? Im impatient lol
  16. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Yes but I plan to dry my caps out before dosing, so I can accurately weigh out my doses. I have some desiccant packs in hopes of speeding up the process. Just in case I don't have time to completely dry them approx how much fresh mushrooms would I want to take? In the cases of fresh caps I...
  17. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    These things are popping up like crazy!!!! I'd say the caps have doubled in size in the past 24-36 hours and absolutely no signs of contam!
  18. MJG420

    First outdoor grow!

    Been a week or two since my last update, and the girls have taken a bit of a beating with the weather we have had lately. Luckily the sunshine has returned in the past couple days and they seem to be recovering well. Hopefully by this time next week you will hardly be able to tell anything...
  19. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Enjoy that feeling but hate when im just on the verge of tripping. I handle myself well on mushrooms, but have never had any this fresh(to my knowledge anyway) so it will be interesting to see how much more potent they are that what I've had in the past
  20. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Exactly what I was thinking! The first pins are now approximately 1/2 tall and I can see a lot more starting to pin and even more "knotting!" I am excited to see the finished fruits! Hoping to have at least 2 doses worth done by next weekend for me and a friend to test em. Figuring about...