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  1. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    OK so I have been hella slacking and decided to let my jars colonize a bit longer. :-) I was well rewarded to as my corn was/is fully covered in meycellium growth!!!! I ended up with 3 fully colonized jars and cased two of them yesterday in a 8x8 aluminum baking pan filled almost to the top...
  2. MJG420

    2013 Monster Outdoor Grow Competition!!!!

    OK finally have all of my girls together and outside! Have a lineup of some of my favorites as well as a couple new strains. I have Pitt Bull, White Berry, Critical Kush, OG Kush, Hashberry, and Lemon Skunk. Excited as hell to see how they turn out! The second pic is of my uncles crop...
  3. MJG420

    Harvesting and Curing Question.

    No problem man glad to lend a helping hand!
  4. MJG420

    Expert Help Needed

    Just let nature take its course my friend, you may be surprised! Once you turn back the lights to 12/12 they will stretch out PLENTY!
  5. MJG420

    Need some advice!!!

    Super cropping is the way to go! Just take a branch about 10-12 inches down at a node and pinch hard enough to collapse the stem, pinch one side then then the other and bend it over as far as you can without snapping it off. It sounds a lot worse than what it really is but does take a bit of...
  6. MJG420

    Harvesting and Curing Question.

    Pretty simple process, but you can ruin your whole crop if you do it incorrectly. -Start by harvesting your plants(you can either trim your buds wet or dry) and leaving them to hang/dry in a preferably DARK room as light degrades THC after it has been harvested! -You also want to have some...
  7. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Well after reading this I went out and uncovered as much meycelium as I could in my outdoor patch then took some Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil and covered it back up a bit to provide some cover as well as nutrition. I did see some NASTY green areas(assuming it is tric) also mixed in with the myce...
  8. MJG420

    2013 Monster Outdoor Grow Competition!!!!

    So finally here are a couple pics of my girls going outside for the summer! I have one Lemon Skunk, one Critical Kush, and one Hash Berry for now waiting for others to root now. Will probably be putting them out this weekend now that I have an area cleaned out for them. Can't wait to see...
  9. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Posted some new pics this morning! :-)
  10. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Been slacking on my updates lately, hopefully well become more frequent now that things are moving along well. The first 3 pictures are from my outdoor experiment(my first round of jars I ended up dumping and burying outside.) and it looks as if things are going very well!!!! Had to dig...
  11. MJG420

    2013 Monster Outdoor Grow Competition!!!!

    Things have kind of die down in here a bit I see.....Going to pick up plants today(things kinda went to hell and plans changed) and will be putting them outside asap!
  12. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    LOL no biggie man I got what I needed from your info :-) Thanks for sticking around and helping out
  13. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    I was kind of thinking about this as well and figure they should be fine until their ready to begin casing, although they seem to be taking FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!! Not sure what is causing the slow growth but I have noticed an increase in growth over since the last shake. Perhaps I will...
  14. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    No I did not put holes in my lids, was actually considering trying an FAE in the next day or two to see if that will help speed things up but am worried about contracting contams....
  15. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Finally getting around to uploading pics(the past few weeks have been crazy!) and I am pleased to say that things are looking great! I would have to say I have around 30% colonization in 5 out of my 7 jars, hopefully another week and these babies will be ready to start casing! It appears as...
  16. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Was worried about that..... hopefully I can get this under control and actually get some fruit in the near future
  17. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Sorry i haven't updated lately been working 12 hour shifts the past 2 weeks and let's just say i am wore the hell out! Things are still progressing but not quite as quickly as I would like to see. Appears I have managed to kill off growth in a couple the jars from my second run, have come...
  18. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Hahaha hell yeah Matt sounds like a good time! I managed to get out camping this weekend and the only thing that would have made it better would have been a nice big bag ofmushies! Almost positive I found a "magic mushroom" in my campsite yesterday morning so hopefully good things are coming...
  19. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Hmmm interesting! Will have to give this a shot sometime in the future. Gave my 4 jars a gentle roll yesterday to mix things up a bit, and Ashle slowly starting to see growth on my other 7 jars I inoculated over the weekend. Things are looking great so fats, looking forward to a growth...
  20. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Makes sense. If it makes a difference I plan to use Mason jars to pasteurize my casing soil, so in theory I could do so ahead of time and store it with the lids on of I plan to use it within let's say 3-4 days. Just thinking outside of the box and throwing ideas out there :)