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  1. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    If using disposable pans to case with then putting those pans in your tote lined with vermiculite (for humidity?), would you not want to put holes in both the pans and tote or are you saying to ditch the vermiculite in the bottom of the tote and rely on your casings to produce the necessary...
  2. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Things are moving along very nice! I am pleased to say that so far out of 24 pint jars I have growth in 16 of them, 10 of which are the B+(more potent syringe?) the other 6 are the Hawaiian. I have been marking my jars with a number for each day I see growth, and shook the first few jars for...
  3. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    DAMN BRO!!!!:shock: Looking AWESOME!
  4. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    The spores I used for this run are from, seems everything is going as it should so I have nothing bad to say about them.
  5. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Thanks man, I actually signed up at micotopia a couple weeks ago. There is for sure a lot of information over there as well.
  6. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Thanks man kind of funny becausei checked then ask last night and had nothing happening then boom today there it was :)
  7. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    I officially have growth in 6-7 of my jars!!!! It is very hard to make out due to the addition of vermiculite but there is for sure something going on. From as well as I can tell things are a nice pure white! I marked the first jars to show growth as those will probably be the ones I do a...
  8. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Hopefully here in the next couple I will be right there with you guys! The anticipation is KILLING ME!!!! This also brings up a good question I have, is it alright when checking my jars to move my corn/verm mixture around to uncover anything perhaps not along the side of the jar? Considering...
  9. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Great questions my friend.
  10. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Don't feel bad man, keep up the good work!
  11. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Well been 5 days and nothing yet.....Lol. Not too worried it's still early yet and had no heat on the jars the first couple days. I went and bought a seedling mat yesterday to replace the heating pad I was using, hoping this will keep temps a little more consistent. Will l would post pics...
  12. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    . That's what I' hoping for! Figure with 24 jars I should end up with a couple at the least unless God forbid I had an infected syringe.
  13. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Yeah that's what I am trying to avoid, I want to at least see + life by this weekend! :) I now have my a box with a heating pad in the bottom of it lined with a couple pairs of old jeans to disburse the heat a bit, then another layer on top of that. Will check it every couple hours to make...
  14. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Going out tonight and picking up a heating pad to keep my jars just a bit warmer as they just don't seem to be warm enough. Found out Sunday that 4/20-4/21 is going to be the spring opener for the club I hang around so my goal is the have at least SOME mushrooms harvested by then to give out...
  15. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Hell yeah man! Thinking I am going to need to get a heating pad for my jars, the spot I have them sitting in right now is just too cool. If not a heating pad I'll come up with some other ingenious idea on how to get the temps up just a bit. :)
  16. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    That's good to hear, hopefully I share the same results soon! I'm excited
  17. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    I'm jealous!!!!
  18. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Haha yeah that's no shit! I attempted to make my glove box yesterday and lets just say it did NOT turn out the way I wanted it to....Couldn't get the gloves to glue to the side of my tote, ended up just cutting the holes for my hands(with the gloves on) and spraying the HELL out of the box and...
  19. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    There is for sure a learning curve to growing mushrooms but it is really not as hard as most make it out to be. If you decided to go ahead I would also suggest using popcorn as the PF Tek is far from the best way to grow mushrooms as just about all the experienced growers here will tell you...
  20. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Looks to me like a rotten/bad kernel of corn you may have missed while cooking and rinsing only time will tell for sure.