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  1. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Thanks Matt i was thinking the same thing but was thinking it was worth asking, what are your thoughts JD? I like that name BTW, same name as of one of my brothers long past brothers whom he sent along with me(in a spiritual kind of way) when I left Iowa to watch over me. Coincidence or...
  2. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Here are pictures of just SOME of the growth going on in the four jars I inoculated Thursday night, only have pics of three due to me being a clutz and accidentally dropping the fourth one on its side(on something soft thank god!) and mixed it all up! LOL All the growth has happened in the...
  3. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Well things are looking great so far, just since this morning I note have growth in all 4 jars I inoculated Thursday. That's only 72 hours after inoculation! The last batch took a full week before I saw anything. Hopefully by this time tomorrow I can get some pictures to share with everyone...
  4. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Something I will look into more down the road as I gain a bit more experience and learn the ways of the mushroom :)
  5. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Wish I would have thought about that last night....I was under the impression that mixing would be better as it would cause colonization to occour quicker, but I guess thats not totally true. It does make sense that you would want to leave the solution in a concentrated spot to hasten the...
  6. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Thanks for the advice! That is one of the biggest things I took from my first round of jars, that and make sure my temps stay in a reasonable range. Also used a bit more spore solution on both the jars I inoculated Thursday and the ones I did last night, using about 1cc/jar opposed to the .5 I...
  7. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Well just got done inoculating 7 more jars! Hopefully within the next week I see some positive signs of life!
  8. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Omg I have wanted to trip and watch that movie for YEARS!!!!
  9. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    I hope so ready to see some of the good stuff! :) Well I initally had the jars in the flats they came in with the seedling mat underneath and a layer or two between the mat and the flat(if that make sense) and they were doing fine that way. Where I think I messed up was in taking the jars out...
  10. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Well now been awhile since I have updated here for those of you checking in on things from time to time. In my last post I said that I now had some growth in all of my 24 jars which is no longer the case.....I am almost positive I allowed them to get to warm which in turn killed off the...
  11. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Hahaha Matt I so envy you right now, been needing to have a good hard trip for awhile now!!! Checked my jars I PC last night after shaking them a bit this morning and the puddle of water in the bottom seems to have redistributed throughout the jars do I went ahead and inoculated them tonight...
  12. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Was trying to avoid having to do that, really don't want top PC my jars again.....grrrr
  13. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Your doing great man, if you came into this expecting not to hit any bumps in the road you a horribly mistaken my friend. :). I know I expected some issues myself (not quite to the extreme I encountered) but hoped for the best. Sterilized 4 more jars of corn last night after boiling and...
  14. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Yeah I am worried I had/have some sort of contamination that may have killed off what was growing. Will unplug the heating mat right now as that is probably another issue. Any chance of them recovering if it was to much heat? Starting another couple jars tomorrow, boiled my corn tonight and...
  15. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    I have been using a seedling heating mat to keep my jars warm so of anything they are to warm. I shook the jars real good on Friday(had lots of healthy growth) and checked them again yesterday and it almost seems as of the growth that was there has now died off? Will give them a few more days...
  16. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Not sure about this..... seems something on my end has gone horribly wrong! Things were looking great on Friday and I gave all the jars a good shaking, checked them yesterday and nothing....
  17. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Wow man I have been slacking for a couple days and just read through the past 2-3 pages of posts! In a way I am glad I am a little bit behind you on this project as I have learned A LOT of what to do and no do. You seem to be doing great though man and hope to see some mushie pics from you...
  18. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Here are the pics I attempted to upload the other day! Had just wiped windows off my computer and installed Ubuntu when I tried to upload them the other night and my dropbox hadn't synced yet LOL. Things have are moving along very well, I am almost positive that I have growth in all of my 24...
  19. MJG420

    First Mushroom Grow!

    Moving right along things are going great! I am now up to 18(maybe 19?) jars out of the initial 24 that I inoculated and am seeing some nice growth and nothing but a nice pure white!:mrgreen: I have started to shake my jars and will do so every 3-4 days untill full colonization occours. I...
  20. MJG420

    My first class with the golden teacher

    Wow Matt looks like you are just plugging along here! I'm hot on your tail though, updating my jorunal in a few stop on by. :-) Hell yeah bro congrats!