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  1. Stayhighsall

    What To Feed Clones

    Hi fellow farmers I just want to know what to feed my clones their about 5 inches
  2. Stayhighsall

    Paper bag method ?

    I thought u gotta leave the in the bags for a couple days before u put them in jars. Are u sure about 1 month?
  3. Stayhighsall

    Paper bag method ?

    Hi fellow farmers. I just harvested my babies and I hung them in a cold dark room. For the past 24 hours. My last harvest after they dried I put them in mason jars. I want to use the paper bag method can somebody clarify how to do it and whats the purpose of it. Thx so much
  4. Stayhighsall

    Hi I'm about to purchase 99 clones from a company called XXXXXXX .com. I'm just wondering if anybody has ever dealt with this company. Or if anybody can direct me to a company they have used. Thx
  5. Stayhighsall

    Putting ice in the reservoir ?

    My Rez is 55 gallons too. So Ill look into the rez cooler Never heard of it before. For all I know the cooler water makes the buds purple. Is that all it does??
  6. Stayhighsall


    Yea their almost done today was the beginning of week 8. I'll post pics tomorrow morn
  7. Stayhighsall


    Is there any special nutes I can give the plant directly ?
  8. Stayhighsall


    For how long
  9. Stayhighsall

    What should I get my plant for christmas?? Hmmmmm I know!! Nitrogen

    What should I get my plant for christmas?? Hmmmmm I know!! Nitrogen
  10. Stayhighsall


    Hi I'm using a hydro drip system. And the tube that feeds the water to one of my plants somehow fell off for god knows how long probably a couple days. The plant turned yello the branch the leaves. I put the tube back. Do u think it will survive. I'm at week 7 of flower. Is there anything else...
  11. Stayhighsall

    Putting ice in the reservoir ?

    Hey guys. I'm a week away from harvest I was thinking of putting ice in on of my res's any advice on how. Ps. I'm using a drip system. With the plants in coco
  12. Stayhighsall

    My NPK reading is 1900 what to do

    Hi. I'm growing hydro a drip system, I gave nutes 4 days ago and now the NPK reading is 1900. Should I just add water to fix the problem. And most of my leaves are yellow at the edges and curling inside.I'm a week away from harvesting
  13. Stayhighsall

    80 percent of my leaves are turning yellow from the edges

    its week 9 i think its time to harvest, im planning on flushing for 4 days and harvest
  14. Stayhighsall

    CFLS vs.LED

    with my experience with led you get better quality but less crop
  15. Stayhighsall

    Zip lock bags for curing ?

    Dude its not that big of a deal I have 2 1000 watt lights growing hydro. Just with advise of a buddy and rollitup
  16. Stayhighsall

    Zip lock bags for curing ?

    Glass jars it is!!!! :) thz fellas
  17. Stayhighsall

    Zip lock bags for curing ?

    Hi fellow farmers I was given advice by a buddy to use a ziplock bag he said they are aroma neutral and allo minimum exchange of gases through the bags. Is this true or should I stick to glass jars which are a headache u gotta buy a shitload for like 3 pounds. Thx
  18. Stayhighsall

    One song you have to blaze to?

    I'm on one. Lil Wayne :)
  19. Stayhighsall

    Ph keeps droping daily!

    Their huge brother. I don't think it's a goo idea to move them plus I got three layers of nets going through them I'm harvesting in 2 weeks max