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  1. OregonMeds

    Never Ever Dance At The Jefferson Memorial

    Ok well when roit police show up at your block party lets see you just ignore them and have fun like normal. Worse yet, your kids. Remind them to be passive and that it's for their own good.
  2. OregonMeds

    Never Ever Dance At The Jefferson Memorial

    Know your history and recognise the bad guys. A block party isn't a protest, but the situation lately is headed back towards this. GI7-m919ynU Gv4u5dIRouM
  3. OregonMeds

    Never Ever Dance At The Jefferson Memorial

    Which comes first the chicken or the egg? Did you go to college? Ever had an annual block party? Police presence is normal but they showed up as you see them in force just looking for trouble and the kids responded to their presence as you would expect. It was a set up. The riot police didn't...
  4. OregonMeds

    Never Ever Dance At The Jefferson Memorial

    They were there with no reason to be there in full riot forces. That was what brought on the burning stuff and chanting fuck the police. Had they not been there in riot gear there would have been nothing to chant fuck the police at and no reason to start burning things. What's not to...
  5. OregonMeds

    Never Ever Dance At The Jefferson Memorial

    You do not set up a military like police presence at a college block party with dogs and riot police and sound weapons and mace in this political climate and expect things to be all dandy. Like I said had it been the normal campus security there or just a couple officers this all would never...
  6. OregonMeds

    Bankholiday Blues - Oxygen

    Set your water pump up with a waterfall to oxygenate. Better yet a spare water pump just to stir and oxygenate the res with a venturi that feeds into the bottom of the res. Or just keep it stirred and mixed manually as much as you can or as often as you can be bothered. The more you keep it...
  7. OregonMeds

    Never Ever Dance At The Jefferson Memorial

    It's hard to tell from the video, but the cops were there in a heavy show of force before anything was even wrong. Before there was ANY justification for a heavy police presence. The school set that up. They were there in force and up everyones ass and -only then- did it lead to fuck the...
  8. OregonMeds

    The Truth About Ron Paul

    Dude was a presidential candidate all the way back to -- 1988 --- w8jE8I88qPQ Get your history straight, he's been making enemies of the powers that be forever and they've been actively smearning and working against him even prior to the 88 campaign when they saw him coming. Not just powers in...
  9. OregonMeds

    The Truth About Ron Paul

    Dan you are buying into setups and smear campaigns. Show us one thing he has said himself ON VIDEO that supports any of those opinions. Not where he doesn't support a new holiday or naming another street after somebody or something else he doesn't think makes financial sense, actual bigotry on...
  10. OregonMeds

    I Really Hate America's Judicial

    Until the war on drugs ends it won't get any better. Vote Ron Paul, and only similar minded people at all levels who have the balls to finally stop the insanity.
  11. OregonMeds

    Never Ever Dance At The Jefferson Memorial

    92TPdtnj1B4 Y43UkfAe_bc ufKv-5t0t4E ncbuySpqRPo
  12. OregonMeds

    Dank Box? Eliminating Odour, Carbon Advice

    Instead just build yourself your own good full size activated carbon filter with cheap by the pound materials available from pond supply stores. There are plenty of DIY's out there. Some scraps from home depot or just srap metal from wheverever and this: Like here for $2.99 a pound. Or just...
  13. OregonMeds

    The Truth About Ron Paul

    I am taking care of my sick mother, it's the only way either of us can survive in this job market and economy. We both got jack shit from obama. Has he done -some- good (little) things yes, but you are way off on the big stuff. You may have an extra $400 and that's good for you, bad for our...
  14. OregonMeds

    The Truth About Ron Paul

    Getting extra from the gov means giving extra. And I didn't get shit. I was more thinking along the lines of how he promised to end the stupid drug war, get us OUT of all wars in the middle east, not into more and even libya. I was hoping he'd do like he said and get the fed out of legal medical...
  15. OregonMeds

    The Truth About Ron Paul I tried to look into it, but your link doesn't work for me. Does it work for anyone else?
  16. OregonMeds

    The Truth About Ron Paul

    UB how is all that obama change and hope working out for you? Feels good to be manipulated and lied to and getting absolutely nothing you were promised doesn't it?
  17. OregonMeds

    The Truth About Ron Paul

    " Originally Posted by UncleBuck yes, he is a loser who lost the primaries to a loser who lost the general election, and the loser who lost to the loser was the biggest loser in the general election. what a loser! I actually thought this was very witty, the logic is all there too, you got...
  18. OregonMeds

    The Truth About Ron Paul

    I've never voted Ron Paul either, voted Obama last time. If more people could just step back and see the big picture of where Obama is taking us, and realize we didn't get the change we were promised or needed or were hoping for, if you could just see he's doing everything the same as bush and...
  19. OregonMeds

    Host Mike Adams: GMO in Your Food Supply

    morgellans beardo? I find that one hard to believe and I do believe many things. haarp yes but I don't think that technology is in our reach yet. It seems to me someone is doing all they can to wind people up into a frenzy so we'll start some shit, and I think morgellans is just bullshit...
  20. OregonMeds

    Here I Come 8:30am Stoned

    Whoever has the undelete priveleges should have the courtesy to ressurect that info please. I don't need to point out how disrespectful it would be to let petty shit interfere with someones death and funeral info. Set the BS aside and lets have a thread stay alive for the man, doesn't matter if...