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  1. Boneman

    fire hazard question

    400w in how big? Flouros in a regular house closet gets up in the 90's. I wouldn't risk it
  2. Boneman

    Phos or Nute Burn? clones

    I'd say Cal-Mag needed.
  3. Boneman

    Quick question about flushing...

    Why would you use a certain product for the entire grow and then consider changing it in the very end? To flush or not? Do farmers flush corn, tomatoes, apple trees? I wean down my nutes on a schedule and only give plain water the last two feedings. No rhyme or reason other than its the norm...
  4. Boneman

    Amber trics speed?

    Snip a sugar leaf thats close to the bud. Amber trics are good and sometimes its like watching water boil. If its not feasible to go back, give it several days and chop.
  5. Boneman

    Has anyone ever seen this before?

    Did you possibly whack out the PH?
  6. Boneman

    How much longer?? First Grow with pics.

    Hard to tell from the pics but the leaves are still nice and green. When feeding bloom nutes, the lack of nitrogen causes the sun leaves to get used up and turn brown. They definitely look good and I wish I could sample that snowy fruit :hump: Can you give a bit more info as to the strain...
  7. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    silky smooth legs
  8. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    on a tamale
  9. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    on her knees
  10. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    A rhyme game
  11. Boneman

    Feeding Chart(s) Question!

    I've always watered my plants, with my nutrients mixed in the water. I do throw in a plain watering near the switch....don't ask me why, i have no reason....and then nothing but plain water in the final two weeks.
  12. Boneman

    I see little pistils:)

    Congrats on the ladies :hump:
  13. Boneman

    Thousands of dead fish and birds for new years...Weird??

    There has been 100+ pelicans wash up on the NC shore over the past month or so. I saw it on the news a few times already. Are we in a la nina year or el nino?
  14. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    no crying allowed
  15. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    Not so loud
  16. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    Big ass cameltoe
  17. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    Asians with DD's <------------that is funny
  18. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    stuffed fulla coal
  19. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    neither can I
  20. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    on the vine