Search results

  1. Boneman

    Kandy Kush, WW, and pinapple express under 1300watt hps! Rep to all who stop by!

    Very nice looking, very nice :hump:
  2. Boneman

    What ratio's do you use for soil, perlite, ext.?

    100% Perlite is called the "hempy" method. Search or google it. its very much hydro with a soil grow feeling. Yes the plant was firmly planted and grew like a sunofa beeyatch. Check out my AK47 pics, that what i grew in it.
  3. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    Or you stash
  4. Boneman

    NL 44 Days Flower. How much longer?

    Those plants look fine. I see no signs of Potassium def. If anything you have the evermost slightliest of nute burn which means you have taken them to their boundry without hurting them. BRAVO!!! I definately think they need a few more weeks though. I would start weaning down nutes in a week...
  5. Boneman

    What ratio's do you use for soil, perlite, ext.?

    One of my most successful grows was in 100% perlite
  6. Boneman

    Help with my growBox

    cut a hole low and place any small clip type fan pulling in air. You can do the same for heat release up high. also a nice 12 inch or so fan blowing air around. I always put screens over my holes to help keep the critters out
  7. Boneman

    does this look done 2 u help !!!!

    Not done but looking pretty nice :hump:
  8. Boneman

    phosphorous and potassium

    I would say 5.8 is ideal for NFT
  9. Boneman

    Plant smells like crap please help !!!!!

    Hopefully its not mold or bud rot. Those babies look well over done
  10. Boneman

    Light during flowering

    No, the plants will grow into the lights if you let them. Then they would burn
  11. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    I'll second that
  12. Boneman

    germing seeds and heat

    No...seeds in a moist napkin on a saucer plate on top of a cable box or refrigerator is fine. Re moisten every 24 hrs until they crack. Key word = MOIST, not drippy WET
  13. Boneman

    Questions from a total newbie...

    Easiest grow = Soil (for a new grower) Best Buds = Pick any....NL, WW, AK-47 hundreds of strains out, read, read Recommended + See above
  14. Boneman

    Community Story...

    little boys in skinny jeans. :spew:
  15. Boneman

    Light during flowering

    Plants normally stretch during the first few weeks of flowering then focus their energy towards reproduction. So yes, they will stop stretching during flowering and although 1.5 weeks is relatively short, it is possible. Your yield will not be effected.
  16. Boneman

    whatup stonies!!

    Welcome to RIU :hump:
  17. Boneman


    You'll be fine. Just continue with the lighting schedule and don't let it happen again
  18. Boneman

    New to rollitup!

    Welcome to RIU :hump:
  19. Boneman

    How are my young girls looking?

    They look fantastic!! Great job so far :hump:
  20. Boneman

    3 Word Story

    puff puff pass :joint: