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  1. stvitusdance

    How to adjust soil PH late in grow?

    Hi. I've looked around and see various advice about amending soil to adjust soil PH. It may be not worth worrying about this late in the game, but I have a plant, indoors in 5 gal bucket, roughly 3-4 weeks from finish. She is fairly large and root bound. I can't amend the soil at this point. I...
  2. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    Took this last night right after the big light shut off. Not a great pic but you can see how the buds are filling in nicely.
  3. stvitusdance


    Nice! Rock on!
  4. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    LOL! It wasn't like my avatar was a big fat vagina. Hell you couldn't really even see her nips!
  5. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    i don't get really get it. are you calling me the pris or the mod the pris? apparently the admins will PM you if they see an avatar with ass or boobs or nipples! but sure, i'm over 50 and i grew up with that SNL stuff!
  6. stvitusdance

    rotten smell from plants :(

    depending on the strain you'll get different phenotypes. my vortex's had more of a sativa look to them. thin leaves as opposed to big fat indica looking leaves.
  7. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    yeah the mod told me to get rid of the nudity!
  8. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    So this is the outside plant i brought inside before it froze. when i brought it in it had many big fan leaves completely yellow. just faded. no spots. now after a couple of weeks i see leaves getting spotted and crispy. i've had this problem through this entire grow. so the soil hasn't...
  9. stvitusdance

    Help plant keeps falling over

    NICE! Good luck! Keep us posted.
  10. stvitusdance

    First time grower need help please!!!

    personally i'd just lay off everything except good clean water for a few weeks.
  11. stvitusdance

    Help plant keeps falling over

    sure, you can try that. sometimes it works. sometimes the baby can't take the stress. another option is to take some fine soil and just bury it up to it's top. that way you won't be grabbing and manipulating it. you can bury that whole stem, not the leaves obviously.
  12. stvitusdance

    First time grower need help please!!!

    no. it looks a little burnt to me.
  13. stvitusdance

    Help plant keeps falling over

    it's stretching a bit. that happens. maybe the tap root isn't really stable yet. very carefully prop it up with a tooth pick or paperclip. or, just leave it alone and see if it recovers. your soil looks pretty course so that might be part of the problem. good luck!
  14. stvitusdance

    First time grower need help please!!!

    i kinda think your plant is gone for good! sure you can try smoking it. your throat might not like it but maybe it will get you stoned. better luck next time and be careful with those nutes!
  15. stvitusdance

    rotten smell from plants :(

    when i grew TGA vortex it really smelled like wet baby diaper poop. maybe mangos buried in baby poop! but if it really smells like adult feces that doesn't sound right at all.
  16. stvitusdance

    Green-O-Matic AutoFem Outside 2nd Grow Day 58

    Nice pics! Have you grown this strain before? Next spring I want to do some outdoor autos and am looking for suggestions.
  17. stvitusdance


    In case anybody is searching online for gallon glass jars with metal lids I found these. Nice price. I ordered 8 of them. Shipping wasn't too bad, about 17 bucks, and they ship in 2 working days. (Get the ones with the metal lids since they specifically say leak-proof and airtight.) :peace...
  18. stvitusdance

    My plant is leaning, lol.

    yes! rotate your plant once a day or so.
  19. stvitusdance

    My plant is leaning, lol.

    yes! this is an old trick. grab the stem and shake it hard once or twice a day. putting a fan on it helps too. some strains fall over more than others so just propping her up with a stick is just fine. you're looking good!