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  1. B

    Plant looks unhappy, leaves curly and yellow? (pics)

    Getting worse Soil has dried up but plant not showing any signs of improvement.
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    What's with the ridiculous yield claims on seed packaging?

    Wow, from a single plant? Do you have a grow journal?
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    What's with the ridiculous yield claims on seed packaging?

    My seeds claim 19% THC. I'm trying not to read into that too much, after laughing at the half kilogram of weed it can produce.
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    What's with the ridiculous yield claims on seed packaging?

    Some say 350-450g per square meter lol. Is that even possible? Has anyone ever achieved the supposed maximum yield? I'm hoping for a half decent harvest, but I can't help but feel that these claims get peoples hopes up and ultimately leave them disappointed to the point of quitting.
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    Plant looks unhappy, leaves curly and yellow? (pics)

    It now weighs 364g and the moisture level is 3 out of 10. The soil is dry for about 2 inches. That means it's lost nearly a third of its weight in 3 days! I guess it was water logged. How long should I wait before watering again?
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    Plant looks unhappy, leaves curly and yellow? (pics)

    Haven't watered, 2 leaves are all yellow now. Depressed :(
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    Is it really possible to grow your plant in a way that will make a specific high?

    I like the simple conclusion, late as healthily possible harvest = couch lock. Bring on the SNES..
  8. B

    Leaves curling. Please help.

    Mate I asked this exact same question a few days ago, same watering schedule. I think like me you have been overwatering. No more water until you can get pics on. The thing won't get thirsty for a week unless in a desert so don't worry.
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    Is it really possible to grow your plant in a way that will make a specific high?

    ..regardless of strain. I've been flicking through some threads and I came across a post about harvesting and curing. Basically the jist of the comment was if you harvest/cure this way you get a more cerebral high but if you harvest/cure the other way you get a more couch lock high. My...
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    Plant looks unhappy, leaves curly and yellow? (pics)

    Well, I weighed it yesterday and weighed it today. It went from 475g to 425g in 24 hours. I threw a little rice in the soil to help dry it out. 2 of the leaves are very yellow now, they probably won't make it. You live you learn eh?
  11. B

    How to use a moisture/ph/light meter?

    Hi all. Please forgive a beginner for a dumb question, but I have one of these. It has no useful instructions and I had a few basic questions. I understand the answer may be different if you are testing for PH, Moisture or Light. 1. How deep into the soil should I push the prongs for an...
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    Plant looks unhappy, leaves curly and yellow? (pics)

    I was actually thinking of not watering for at least a week, based on what people are saying. I got myself a moisture meter (with the 2 long prongs) If stabbed in to the soil against the side of the pot all the way to the bottom, what % should I let it get to before watering again?
  13. B

    Plant looks unhappy, leaves curly and yellow? (pics)

    Okay dokey. It's true, the top soil does dry quickly but I thought 2 days would be enough time for it to drink. So, I'm crap at judging weight. I guess if I weigh it now and weigh it after 4 days of no water, then I'll have some sort of idea. So if my watering cycle improves, will those leaves...
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    Plant looks unhappy, leaves curly and yellow? (pics)

    She's a 16 day old indica. I've been using multi purpose compost and waiting for the right moment to start using nutes. I didn't think it would be this soon. I also water every other day when the top soil is dry. The plant has been growing in a cupboard with not much air. Is it possible she is...
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    How is she doing? (pics)

    Any thoughts on the droopy leaves?
  16. B

    Minimum amount of plants for a harvest a month?

    So, did you add vegging time into this? What if I were to go 12/12 from clone?
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    First Grow on Day 16! Autoflower with T5 high output

    So curly leaves = too hot right? Thanks for the info. I guess those of us who use CFL don't really see this problem much.
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    First Grow on Day 16! Autoflower with T5 high output

    Can I just ask how you diagnosed heat stress from the photos? I'm not contradicting, it's just that to a newbie like me those leaves look perfectly green, lush and healthy. I don't like people having skills I don't posess.
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    Is It Time To Harvest Yet?

    I'm also new and I'm afraid I have no advice to give, it seems at this point you have done your research and your plant is looking amazing for a first grow. Can I say how refreshing it is to see some decent photographs on here. Those iphones, is there anything they can't do?