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  1. B

    Strange looking seedling (pics)

    Very glad to hear that. How long before I can expect the second leaf to stretch out? I won't be able to rest until it does.
  2. B

    Accidentally used the wrong soil, now what?

    I did everything right except I used multi purpose fertiliser instead of neutral soil. So now I'm not sure if I should keep using the same fertiliser or switch to a neutral soil when I make my first repot? My gut...
  3. B

    Strange looking seedling (pics)

    It looks green, the stem is strong as hell and it's developed 2 more tiny leaves, but one of the main leaves is standing straight and still looks like it's part of the stem. She was propagated and has been under 5000k flourescents since sprouting, but she never quite straightened out. I figured...
  4. B

    If nute ratios are so important, why aren't they on the bottle?

    I think it's a fair question. Are they on the bottle where you come from? Coz I was just at the garden centre and looked at every bottle of plant food, no ratios!
  5. B

    too much light?

    Sorry to dig up an old thread, it's neater than starting a new one. I have a newly sprouted seedling and I turned on my light for the first time, I'm now wondering the same thing the OP was. I'm using a softbox with 2 x 28w (40w equivalent) flourescent spiral bulbs at 5500k. The box does a very...
  6. B

    Confused about when to first introduce light?

    Good point. I had a nightmare trying to maintain a reasonable temp. In the end I had it sat in the propagator on a pillow, with no lights and no cover. This meant a steady 82 F. I just checked and the little thing sprouted, I may have dodged a bullet. So I hit the lights and I'm ready for the...
  7. B

    Confused about when to first introduce light?

    Do you think I should remove the cover now or will it shock the seed? I turned the propagator off and the temp dropped to 82.5. Would 2 days at over 90 have damaged the seedling, even if it was kept moist?
  8. B

    Confused about when to first introduce light?

    Some people are luckier than others I guess. I just put a thermo and hydro in the propagator and they read 86 degrees F and 55% humidity. Does that seem OK? It was at 90 degrees which I thought was too high so I turned off the propagator, now the only heat is coming from the lights and...
  9. B

    12/12 from seed, 19th day from seed...slight problem. PLEASE HELP!!!

    Guys, I'm new so tell me if I'm being a dick. But isn't that pot way too big for a seedling, and could it be the result of such a tall thin sprout?
  10. B

    Confused about when to first introduce light?

    I never had much luck with straight to soil, not with my chilli plants anyway. Soaking and towelling has so far had a 100% success rate for me. (one out of one seed lol) I'd never put it in the soil until I've seen a sprout, and I've been reading and I think I may have put it in the wrong way...
  11. B

    Confused about when to first introduce light?

    So here's what I've done so far. 1. Soaked the seed in a shot glass for 24 hours (it sank) so far so good.. 2. Placed the seed in a damp paper towel and left in a warm place (it sprouted) so far so good.. 3. Placed the seed in a small pot with some new soil about 1/2" down and gently covered...
  12. B

    Howdy all!

    Thanks Po but to be honest, Sativa really doesn't sound like my thing.
  13. B

    Howdy all!

    Well what has interested me the most is the distinction between incida and sativa. If I'd known about that ten years ago I might have been wise enough to avoid many panic attacks.
  14. B

    Howdy all!

    Total noob here, been researching lately for ideas. I've stumbled across this forum too many times these past few days for it to be a coincidence. I'll assume this is the homedistiller of weed. Anyway, peace out!