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  1. B

    Minimum amount of plants for a harvest a month?

    I'm not into big business, just want a constant supply. Is it possible to get a small harvest every month with only 2 or 3 plants? I'm guessing it would involve cloning and 12/12.
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    Accidentally used the wrong soil, now what?

    KK dude, I'll keep a close eye and keep posted.
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    Hi, sorry to dig up and old thread but it looks like you're the best person to ask for some advice. I'm looking to get biobizz grow and biobizz bloom, just like the OP. I'm confused about all of those products. Doesn't Heaven and Grow do the same thing? Same thing with Bloom and Topmax? Why...
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    Accidentally used the wrong soil, now what?

    So after about a month start using grow, then switch to bloom at flower time like everyone else? I'm a noob, I have never dealt with a hungry plant but I have one of these charts that lists problems and symptoms.
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    Accidentally used the wrong soil, now what?

    So, when I repot the plant in a larger pot with fresh soil, technically that is fresh nutes for another month. Maybe add a little nitrogen around flower time and I'm sorted?
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    Accidentally used the wrong soil, now what?

    So, I'm going to take your advice and keep using the same soil till flower time, but what then? Should I add something to the soil to help shock the plant into flower mode?
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    What does this look like to you guys???

    Hmm, I'm not sure what's wrong with them but I'll watch this thread as it will probably happen to my plant knowing my luck.
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    Making Hash Tutorial

    The finished product looks nothing like the hash I remember smoking in my teens. Isn't it normally brown and hard?
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    Moved to new house - Can cops bust me for old grow room?

    The tanning room gag was particularly appropriate given your avatar lol.
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    battling an equatorial sativa into flowering

    Mate sounds like you have a big ass plant lol. You know to keep the lights close to the leaves? it helps to keep the plant short. But I'm curious, is it a boy or a girl?
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    Strange looking seedling (pics)

    I'll add the other 2 bulbs 2moro and keep an eye on the temp. Hard to believe they can hack so much light.
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    show first time Grow

    Google mate, local seed shops everywhere. Pay cash, have a chat with the guys, no worries.
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    Strange looking seedling (pics)

    Really? I was worried that was too much light. There is 2 more bulb sockets but I was worried I'd fry the little thing with 4 bulbs so close.
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    Strange looking seedling (pics)

    It grew tall at first because I had the lights too high. I've been reading around about the repotting thing. Apparently you can bury the seedling up to the lowest leaves and keep it short? Sounds good.
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    Strange looking seedling (pics)

    Input appreciated. I moved my baby to a new area. Does the light angle look ok? Those are 28w CFL bulbs. I'm hoping she will grow outwards and stop going up. I'm feeling the soil to make sure it's moist. I normally water once every 2 days. How am I doing?
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    Strange looking seedling (pics)

    I moved the lights down to about 1.5 inches away, overnight the thing has become a different plant. Straighter, more leaves, greener. Shoulda done more research on lights.
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    Strange looking seedling (pics)

    Update, the leaves are both spread and it's looking healthy but it's growing way too tall. I thought I knew enough to get started but apparently my CFL lights were way too far away (2 feet) I've moved them way closer (3 - 4 inches) and turned off my propagater (which has melted away anyway)...
  18. B

    Accidentally used the wrong soil, now what?

    Yes that's all it is. The only trouble is I have no idea what the nutrient ratio is in that compost, so I don't know what to add come flower time. But that's a long ways off yet.
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    Accidentally used the wrong soil, now what?

    It's in a plant pot that has holes in the bottom. Is that what you mean?
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    Strange looking seedling (pics)

    I've grown lots of veg before but never this stuff.