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    Hi all, I lived in HI for a while... can't help with sprouting one. I would presume it is best to have one that was "ripe on the vine" to ensure the seed is mature. If you like mangos...enough seed and surely one will sprout. I would presume they will do well in hydro...however [you knew that...
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    Will it Stay in Flower Part 2

    Mine haven't shown any signs of going back to leaf. They look to be committing more into flower. Starting to wonder if they're using autos down south. The most "mature" need 4 more weeks. Wonder if it will make it. The less mature are gathering up and showing trichs and some nice little budlets...
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    kitty's flower garden part 2

    some fresh shots from the yard.. I don't know what this is in the 1st 3. It's one of my favorite, though. #4 is baby blue eyes and 2 unknowns. #5 is Grandpa Townsend in bloom. .
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    OK, I Give, What The Hell Is It? Mushroom? Plus: ID This Bug

    looks like a baby assassin bug.
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    What Flower/Veg inside ????!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    If you're gonna grow something indoors, I think I would grow something that won't do outdoors....or fresh kitchen herbs. Basil, tarragon, cilantro, thyme, chives...They're always best fresh and have aromatic appeal. IMHO you can't beat sun and soil for the best veggies.
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    Drying and curing in this summer heat

    not a student of this sort of thing... I will repeat myself. spread your stuff out, whether it be laid flat or hung, until it gets dry on the outside. Then put it in a closed container until the moisture equalizes. Open to air, until dry on the outside. Close up until moisture...
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    Will it Stay in Flower Part 2

    before it turns around and goes back to veg.
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    good luck to ya. Gave the best advice I know. check back when things resolve...
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    Main stem broke! Roma Tomato plant.

    Honestly, with 7 more, you should get plenty. I wouldn't fuss to much over it. If it was the only one, another story. that being will prolly make it.
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    Main stem broke! Roma Tomato plant.

    your splint should work. It may need extra support as it loads with fruit. I'm lazy and let my tomatoes sprawl on the ground. being water and nute hogs, I think it good to let it root away from the main root ball.
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    How do I grow on a budget?

    cheapest way to go is an outdoor....a hedgerow, drainage ditch. wherever you can blend it in or hide it and still get sun. indoors has the ongoing expense of increased electricity bills.
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    kitty's flower garden part 2

    FWIW I'm gonna try to hand pollinate my phal...I think I've identified to active parts. Kinda hard to tell with some of these things.
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    Isn't it fun when someone names something we've been doin all along?
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    Will it Stay in Flower Part 2

    Mine too. I'm really surprised, also. Look about the same as yours...a few more and a few less.
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    For you AZ boys. What's your drying method?

    no real science.... What I do is spread or hang until a little crispy on the outside. Put in a closed container to pull the moisture into the dry material. repeat until the stems shrink down. then pack for slower curing...
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    My stash keeps going off

    maybe you should have your place checked for a mold prob...
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    Traveling with weed from california to mass via plane

    smoke it all before you get to the airport. don't be silly and get popped for a gram
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    Adios, Amigos

    "they" hear even innocent remarks. I made a comment on a forum about how the Iraq war cleared out inventory of old cruise missiles...two days later I got a "Sorry, wrong number" call from Raytheon at 8:00AM. Honest to God. Do not say anything here that you don't want THE WHOLE WORLD to know.
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    Adios, Amigos

    being as you have a clean record and all the other factors...age, dependants, etc. Your lawyer should be able to bargain down to simple possession...which may mean probation and a fine. In AZ, growing constitutes mfg narcotics, which is an automatic felony...regardless of quantity. Unless they...
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    Phoenix Strain Reviews

    I am hill this may be a REALLY stupid question.... with it staying warm all winter....why don't you plant outdoors in the fall? I hear you saying you're running 12/12 for the full grow anyway.